Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Why Do Ugly Guys Get The Beauty Queens?

Why Do Ugly Guys Get The Beauty Queens?

If you get any single man talking, he will confess pretty quickly that men, on the whole, have very little idea how women think. It’s a mystery to us. We think we do, and about the time we think we have it all figured out, the woman in our lives does or says something that totally confuses us and blows our theory right out of the water.

For men, one of the most puzzling things about women is what makes a man attractive to them. We always think it has to be the stunning good looks of a Tom Cruise, or a muscule-bound athlete, or that guy with the six-pack, bronze skin, jet black hair, and the eyes and body of an Adonis that would set a woman’s heart on fire.

Then you see women with the ugliest guy in the group and that guy seems to be the one that attracts the most gorgeous women in the club. Why is that!? Or why are they attracted to an older man, with white hair or, worse yet, to a married man who may not be even trying to impress the girls. The attraction of these unlikely men for women is just baffling to those of us who are trying hard to be the kind of guy a woman would want to spend time with, get to know, and fall in love with.

So, clearly, we need a new formula for what attracts women so we can reshape how we present ourselves to them. From what we have observed and from reading women writers, we have learned that what we suspect is true, our preconceived ideas of what makes a man attractive, is off base at best and total fiction at worst. So what is it that makes a man exciting and attractive to women?

Looks Are a Small Part of It

Don’t be deceived. Yes, good looks and rugged sexuality are attractive to women. There is no question that when a woman sees a sexy guy, she sighs and admires the sight. But when you get past that initial sigh, she may not be drawn to that hunk at all—at least when it comes to finding a guy she really wants to get to know better and spend time with.

The truth is, women are far more attracted to virtues and “qualities of the heart”, as well as your values, than she is to your looks. Knowing that, you can adjust how you present yourself. It is always best to present yourself as a neat, well groomed man, but look within yourself for the values that will really make the women gravitate toward you.

The Top Ten

The reason certain physical traits are attractive is because they physically portray inner strength and other values and ethics that make a man unique and desirable for a woman. To help us round out our new rules for how to be the perfect guy for your girl, here is a list of ten values that women find attractive in guys. If the guy she is drawn to has some or all of these qualities, she will feel aroused and thrilled by him whether he is a prince or a toad.

Intelligence. This doesn’t mean that you have to be a Ph.D. in physics to be a loving boyfriend. But the ability to think, to use your mind to solve problems and discuss things intelligently with her is a huge draw for women.

Honesty is very high on a woman’s list of values. That is why some flirtation actually turns women off. A girl will gladly leave the club with the guy who is honest with her and demonstrates that he will always be truthful. She’d rather be with someone who is a straight-shooter, and not into playing mind games, than with the guy with the white teeth and perfect hair cut but who comes off like a phony player when flirting.

Shyness is actually attractive to girls. If you are a bit retiring in groups and shy around her, that brings out the mother in her and she feels safe to nurture you and your relationship. When guys are too bold with girls, the woman often feels threatened and overwhelmed—sometimes even stalked—and they must feel safe with you to feel loving.

Your sense of humor will pay off well with the girl you adore. A woman likes a guy who doesn’t take himself, life, or even her too seriously. That ability to use humor in all kinds of situations shows a strong coping skill which means you will be a good companion and provider long term.

Care about her. If you take the time to let her be herself and show that you are as fascinated with her as you are with yourself, her inner self will blossom for you and all the love in her heart will come to you with that princess inside her.

Communicate. Women love men who are able to talk about what they feel. It doesn’t come naturally to some men, but be open with your woman and let her know you want to share everything with her and she will share everything with you.

Self-confidence is very important to your girl because she wants to know you are comfortable in your own skin. Sure, you can be shy and vulnerable, but it takes a strong, confident man to be able to share those weaknesses openly. A quiet strength that comes from within is the magic that draws women to you.

Values and a belief system mean a lot to women because they want to know you stand for something. Values imply integrity and integrity means you will be a faithful and loyal friend to her . . . as well as the lover of her dreams.

Be reliable. Be the type of person others can rely on. When you give your word, keep it and expect the same from her. That is the kind of strength that makes a woman sigh much more than muscles on your arms or chest. Strength of character is far sexier to a woman than physical power.

Be fun, creative, and always ready for something new. Then she knows she will never be bored with you.

Where Do They Get These Ideas?

A misconception of where women get their concepts of beauty and what makes a man thrilling is that they get them from the media, from magazines or movies, or even from boys they know or men they have dated. No. Long before a woman ever dates her first guy, she already has the image of the perfect man well defined in her mind.

Now we know that the origin of that image is not supermodels or movie stars. They get their image of what a man should be from their fathers. So if you want to know in greater detail what a woman looks for in a guy, meet her dad and get to know him; there is the soil from which the perfect man has sprung in your girl's mind. But there are values in all fathers that do translate over to what she wants in her boyfriend.

Dads are strong and protecting. She feels safe with him and knows that she can be herself—his love for her is unconditional. If she feels that coming from you, it’s easy for her feelings to come to the surface for you.

Dads are faithful and loyal. They are always there for their family and they would never hurt their wives or daughters. Kindness, firmness, and rock solid devotion to your woman reminds her of dad and makes you that “knight in shining armor” to her.

Dads and fun and relentlessly loving. If she can become a “little girl” when around you, that is something that takes her back to the sweet times of growing up. And once she can giggle and play in your presence, or come to you for a cuddle when life hurts her, that little girl will become an affectionate woman in your arms.

We are often puzzled why women are drawn to married men or older men, and perhaps one reason for that is that their basis for what an attractive man is comes from their father. Moreover, it is probably because married men are confident and don’t have anything to prove, and that gives a woman a feeling of safety and a desire to stay close to such a guy. Like a big strong tree, she wants to be under that guy’s protection in a storm.

Now these are not always things that are easy to bring out when flirting with a girl in a club. But if you begin to present yourself to the women you wish to meet as an honest, sincere man of integrity and values, you will find that you are the “ugly guy getting the girl”, and all the guys who worked hard to be hunks will wonder what secrets you have learned about women. You can share them or keep them to yourself and enjoy the benefits of love, romance and dating excitement for years to come.

By: George Wood 100% free dating site and matchmaking service for singles. Plus provides free online dating forums with relationship advice and dating tips.

This Complete, Step-by-Step System Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Do Women Like Alpha Males?

Do Women Like Alpha Males?

Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. In astronomy, it is the brightest star in a constellation. In common parlance, alpha means to be the first.

Alpha males are guys who seem to be leading the pack, the hunter, the ever-reliable male god. They are all around us, in the ranks burly blue collar workers to the impeccable corporate leaders. So why do women like alpha males; or do they?

Women do not only like alpha males; they adore them! Alpha males are the stuff that women's romantic imaginations are of. These are men who get women's attention wherever they go.

The attraction lies in the power seemingly possessed by alpha males. It's not really just about the money but it is about strength in character and the ability to be respected by his peers.

A woman defines an alpha male as someone who is vocal about what he wants and who does everything to get it. An alpha male is not just cocky our loud, but there is a semblance of authority in his voice that seems to attract others, male or female. An alpha male is filled with confidence about his looks though he may not be handsome and is confident about his intelligence though he may not be a Wharton graduate.

In the animal kingdom the alpha males are those who lead the pack with an aggressive behavior. The animals have their own social structure where the alpha or the dominant males get to mate with the females, with the principle that the alpha males will most probably produce better offsprings. Same goes for the alpha males in the society of humans.

Women describe alpha males as those with an innate superiority and who literally leads the pack. These are males who are aggressive and assertive despite their limitations.

To be able to understand an alpha male, one has to get to know his characteristics such as but not limited to being:

Born leaders

Alpha males are born to lead the pack. They are known to be the peacemakers and the ones responsible for stopping fights after and aggression usually started off by a bully. These men are usually dignified men who have leadership capabilities and they sometimes rule their world. An alpha male is a no nonsense leader who cannot be dictated upon and who stands by his principles.

Gandhi is an alpha male. He is a charismatic leader who refused to be pressured into giving up his cause. He was able to win his battle by espousing non-violence. Microsoft czar Bill Gates is an example of an alpha male who continues to change the world and its people. There are many alpha males in a variety of settings, all of whom have provided inspiration and great leadership to their sectors. Most alpha males are attracted and married to strong and outstanding women.


Alpha males are so sure of themselves but not to point of being cocky. They have high self esteem, believing that they have the power to do anything they want and to achieve their dreams. They know they have that special something within them but they do not boat nor talk about their strength.

Women are attracted to the alpha because of the confidence that emanates from them. This confidence manifests itself in the way he carries himself and the way he deals with others. This confidence is shown in the way he does things and treats other people. The alpha male's high self esteem makes him confident that he can get the best girl in town. The truth is, the girls usually flock around him.


Being confident of himself and in what he can achieve, the alpha male is always assertive but not to the point of being pushy. He knows what he wants and how to get it. He asserts his rights and the rights of his friends. This may be the reason why alpha males are so popular with the pack. He leads them and gives them protection. Women love the alpha male for being assertive, of being able to know he can do it and doing something to achieve what he wants to do.

Born leaders, confident and assertive. These are the qualities that make women swoon over the alpha male. Need we say more?

Pick Up Guide is a new directory on the fine art of picking up members of the opposite sex. Visit us for our hundreds of articles on approaching women, getting phone numbers, conquering your shyness, and asking men or women out.

This Complete, Step-by-Step System Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

How To Get A Waitress’ Phone Number

How To Get A Waitress’ Phone Number

A person may want to get the waitress’ phone number because he wants to have a communication with the waitress. He may be attracted to the waitress but he does not have the courage to get the number personally. He may want to get the phone number if ever he may want to invite the waitress out for a date.

Sometimes a person may tend to be shy and he may think that he will be judged at that moment once he asks for the phone number. There is nothing to be afraid of in asking the waitress’ phone number, as long as the person has good intentions. Here are some tips that can help a person on how to approach a girl when asking for her phone number.

1. The guy may get some information first regarding the name and some personal information on the waitress from her co-workers in the restaurant. He needs to make sure that the manager is not around. The manager may think that he is disturbing his employees.

2. He should know her friends in the restaurant. He can make friends with them as well so that it would be easier to get some information about the waitress that he likes.

3. He should exert the effort to visit the restaurant regularly where the waitress works. If he is a regular customer, the waitress may remember his face and even remember his name.

4. If the person is patient enough to wait until the restaurant closes, the waitress may have the idea that this person wants something from her and she may even make the initiative to ask questions if there is something the person would like to know.

5. This could be the right time for the person to introduce himself to the waitress and get her name as well, although the person already knows the name of the waitress. He can then tell her that he would like to make friends with her and she has nothing to worry about.

6. He has to make sure that he tells the waitress that he is a good person and his only intention is that he wants to get his phone number. A person should stay cool when he asks for the phone number. He must not show any excitement when asking for the number so that the waitress will not hesitate in giving his phone number.

7. The guy should let the waitress write the numbers on a piece of paper that the person prepared. He may tell her to write the numbers bigger and clearer. If the guy is using a cell phone, he can tell the waitress to dictate the numbers slowly then register the numbers on the phone. He should ask her to repeat the numbers that she has dictated to confirm that the numbers were correctly registered.

8. He must tell her his true intentions after getting the numbers. He should be honest in telling her that he wants to have a communication with her because he wants to know the waitress better. Through the telephone, there can be relationships that can be established especially when two people constantly contact each other.

9. He must ask the waitress on what time she will be available for a conversation. He should know the most convenient time to call the waitress. He should know if the waitress has some time to talk with him. Anyway, the waitress will not give the number if she has no time for it.

10. If there is an established communication on the phone. It could be the right time for the person to ask the waitress out for a date. He can assure himself that he would not be declined on his invitation because they may have no more hesitations to each other. They have already built a special relationship on the telephone.

There are times that a person needs to have the guts in confronting the waitress that he likes. He should have enough confidence because this is the key to get to know a girl better. Girls can find it impressing if they see strength and courage in a man. Asking a girls phone number is not a hard task to do. As long as there is a good intention and respect then there is nothing to worry about. is a new directory on the fine art of picking up members of the opposite sex. Visit us for our hundreds of articles on approaching women, getting phone numbers, conquering your shyness, and asking men or women out.

This Complete, Step-by-Step System Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Pickup that girl at the bar

Pickup that girl at the bar

Simple scenario: You walk into the bar with your friends, survey the crowd and decide to get a beer. As you lounge around talking with friends you look to the far side of the bar. There she is, the most beautiful girl in the place, with not another man in sight. You say to yourself, “I just have to go talk to her”. You grab another beer and decide its time, so you walk over to her. Just before you get to her, your heart starts pounding, you can’t think of what to say, you panic and forget your name. You back off at the last minute and tell yourself you’ll try again in a little bit when you calm down. The night passes on a whim and you never see the girl again.

Does this sound familiar? Do you have trouble coming up with another lame pickup line or for a way to impress a girl? Don’t be afraid, it has happened to the best of us. But don’t worry; I have a couple of solutions and pointers for you, some which have worked with a very good success rate. This way next time you walk in the bar, you’ll score the girl(s).

Don’t be cheesy
Lousy pickup lines create a sense of, “Oh my god what is this guy saying to me?” You make yourself look like a fool. Naturally you will not get the girl. You know the cheesy lines you use: “I lost my number, can I get yours?”, “I don't know what you think of me, but I hope it's X-rated”, etc. How often do they work? Probably not too much, and if you don’t know, check your black book for all the numbers you’ve scored. Kind of small, isn’t it?

Skip the beer
Beer breath doesn’t smell like mouthwash. You might not realize it because you caught a buzz, but old stinky beer breath is not attractive to women at all. Unless you’re Brad Pitt, beer breath will not land you a date, phone number, or even a name for that matter. Stick to something that doesn’t leave an aftertaste, like wine or a mixed cocktail. Not only will it improve your breath, but it’ll also improve your chances of going home with her tonight. Save the beer nights for Monday night football.

Be genuine
A simple introduction is the only one necessary when meeting with a woman for the first time. Women like guys that can be themselves and not ramble about their days as a star quarterback in high school or that 50 pound bass they caught last week. You wont impress her with an ego-centric attitude. Also, be sure to look her straight in the eyes the whole time.

Smile, Smile, Smile
Like a good salesman, you’ll learn that throwing on a winning smile can land you the sale. Women feel more comfortable with a guy that has a sense of humor and can get the most out of life. Don’t just stand there like an 800 lb. gorilla and think your biceps are going to win her over. Does Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt have a huge chest…no, but they all have that winning smile.

By becoming comfortable around women using these tips, you’ll be sure to spend more with the ladies, and less staring at your TV with a bag of chips. Unless of course your into that sort of thing.

By: Robert Palmer
Rob Vrabel is the webmaster of, the #1 dource for fun things to do in the U.S. To find out other things to do in your state, visit now.

This Complete, Step-by-Step System Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Natural Success with Women: The Concise Art of Seduction

Natural Success with Women: The Concise Art of Seduction by S. Cintron

In this short and informative article you will learn The Concise Art of Seduction and how to be more successful with women.

If you want to be more successful with women, good traits to have or develop are confidence, humor, being well groomed and don't forget to smile. Also most importantly, is the ability to create romance.

A successful Pick-Up Artist understands the importance of being patient, persistent, and comfortable approaching and talking to new women. And most importantly, knowing how to talk to a woman to make her start thinking in romantic directions.

Having mastered all of the above, mirror her physically and notice her trance words, remember and use them.

Rephrase everything she says and feed it back to her and anchor all the good feelings. Be very understanding and don't argue. Deep understanding will create immense rapport. Having and keeping good eye contact and touching also helps to create an immense rapport.

There is no such thing as to much rapport. Rapport is the foundation of all seduction.

Make yourself more attractive. Don't make yourself to available. There is value in scarcity. Never give her anything, instead reward her. When she is being difficult, challenge her. Maintain a high self esteem at all costs. This may mean cutting your losses at times. The willingness to walk away will empower you.

Keeping the above things in mind will highly improve your success with women. In your quest to master The Concise Art of Seduction the most important things to remember are to be playful, confident and in charge of the situation.

About the Author
If you found this article on being successful with women helpful you can find more articles on the art of seduction by visiting the Complete Online Guide to Being Highly Successful with Women at:

This Complete, Step-by-Step System Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

5 Dazzling Ways to Make Any Woman Fall In Love With You

5 Dazzling Ways to Make Any Woman Fall In Love With You

"I don't get it!..."

"I've a nice car. I'm accomplished. My A-List CV make the next guy look funky. I even
wear the latest Armani! Why doesn't she flip for me? Why am I always alone??"


How many times did you pound the dashboard of your Corvette bewailing this persistent question?

The avenue to Romance is littered with roadkill hearts and unrequited love.If you think you're unique in your loneliness, think again. There is enough dashboard pounding out there to start a global orchestra of dire distress.

But don't despair. Before you spin out of control, deploy the airbags fast. These strategic maneuvers should cruise you back on track:

1) Dress to Kill - all the time: No I don't intend that You wear that $5000 suit to the grocers or the Rolex to walk the dog. What I want you to do is is to dress decently each time you hit the streets. Dab on some cologne. Be neatly shaven. Men, women are everywhere. If you dress with flash only at the bar or the party, you're missing out on 95% of eligible women. Some of the best relationships were forged during chance encounters at the bus stop.

2) Bedroom Eyes - When exploring new relationships with that sexy stranger, intensify the eye contact. Lock deep into her pupils. Let the rest of the world disappear even as a horde of supermodels troop by. You will naturally thrill her with the attention as she experiences the tendrils of growing attraction. Ethnologists have a term for it, the copulatory gaze. Get your eyes even sexier by enlargening your pupils. Dr. Hess concluded that dilated pupils are far far more attractive to women after he presented hundreds of assorted pictures of men to test subjects. How does one get the pupils popping? Simply gaze at the most alluring parts of her face and fill your mind with loving caring thoughts. Your pupils naturally grow, endowing you with irresistible eyes.

3) Visual Caress - Get your eyes do some facial travelling as you chat. Linger a bit on the nose, traipse across the eyes and rest at the lips. Drink in her facial features as though you were admiring the Mona Lisa. She will delight in the attention!

4) Easter Eggs - Stumped at having nothing to say? Listen carefully for easter eggs as you talk. These are unusual words of phrases that she utters. Ask her to expound on it. Say "What's the story behind that?" or "How do you feel about that?". Women love to be probed for their opinions and their feelings.Gently bring out her emotions with sensitive open-ended questions.

5) Keep it Adrenaline Charged - Men talk facts: stock figures, bill payments, and boring engine specs. Women are different. They delight in FEELINGS TALK: how the new dress takes them to 7th heaven, how that special meal got them all giddy with ecstasy, how their shopping expedition drains their deepest problems away. Leverage this by steering away from facts talk. Pick out emotionally charged subjects and ask her how she especially relates to them. You'll be her new confidant!

I know what you're thinking. It's all common sense! That's true, but ask yourself this: how many of you actually practice this? Be honest.

Get out there and be the man women loves. Use your common sense!

By: Joe Plazo
*** Joseph R. Plazo is founder of Exceed Global, JobCentralAsia and Empowered Development. After achieving financial independence at 22, he authored five NLP books, engaged in pro-bono mentoring and indulged in his passion for radionics. Always to take the initiative, his battle cry is "Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt."

This Complete, Step-by-Step System Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

THE Dating Secret You Must Understand

THE Dating Secret You Must Understand

Want to know why you are unsuccessful with women? It might masquerade as shyness, nerves, neediness, lack of style, bad breath, or body odor. Want to know the real answer?

It’s simple and it’s true…


I cover this in detail in my ebook, How To Get A Girlfriend, but for now let’s accurately define security. Then, let’s consider how this relates to being attractive. Let’s also try to keep this simple, because this is a topic we cover at length in our products and consultations which takes time to get handled. Let me give you our definition of security:

“A willingness to accept myself as I am, strengths and weaknesses and then the determination to work towards a healthy ideal for myself.”

A man who is secure realizes his weaknesses, and then addresses them. Some weaknesses (better known as challenges) are tougher to handle than others. A patient, deliberate effort may have to follow.

If a guy has bad breath, for example, is it because he just ate a dish filled with garlic or does he suffer from gingivitis? If it’s the garlic causing the problem, his problem is easily remedied by a bit of time and some mouthwash. If he has gingivitis or halitosis, the challenge becomes larger and will take more time to surmount. (Although, he should carry some Cool Mint Listerine PocketPaks with him at all times)

A guy who is secure with himself likely never encounters a challenge like bad breath, or if he does, he handles it right away.

An insecure guy will be too lazy to take the action, or will unconsciously reject the reality that he has bad breath. His fragile self-esteem will not accept the information, thus he continues to create bad impressions on other people due to his own unwillingness.

This mini-example can translate to virtually any challenge which we encounter through our lives. Most guys live lives that are so out of balance, that a woman might initially like you, but when she eventually sees the chaos that follows you around (whether it be bad breath, flailing friendships, insecurity, lack of focus, endless hours surfing the web, messy apartment, the list goes on…) she will never really see you as a viable companion because she knows, intuitively, and biologically, that you are not a man in the truest sense. You are not someone who can provide security…thusly you are not attractive to her.

Here is where we separate the men from the boys. The boys right now are thinking, “This is a load of BS. A bunch of feel good jargon. This will never work for me.” They are right, it never will until they decide to face their lives and live like a man.

A man sees this and realizes that it is time, now, to step up to the plate and take responsibility. He sees that he can get what is rightfully his. That time is now.

Women are seeking a man who is secure with himself, and is able to provide it to her consistently.

These men reflect it with everything they do – they always seem to be in control, they are sensitive to the needs of the moment, they rise to the occasion, they have a focused purpose in their life, and are comfortable in their own skin.

Their life naturally validates them internally, and thusly, they feel complete.

They are attractive, naturally.

So, when you give that guy the ten magically perfect things to say to a woman, he only needs five, and even then he has overdone it…

Let me be clear – I am not saying that you have to be rich or to have fully realized all of your goals in order to be successful with women.

What I am saying is that it is critical to be on the path pursuing your goals. Men who live with passion and direction are magnets for women because they are attractive.

Quality women are desperate for men whose lives are focused, balanced, and filled with purpose.

In conclusion!:

The Single Most Perfect Piece Of Advice That I Can Give You Is: You Must Get Your Life In Order And Moving Forward To Have Anything Close To A Meaningful Relationship With A Quality Woman.

Thanks for your time guys, and best of luck!

By: Stephen Nash
Cutting Edge Image Consulting
Stephen Nash of Cutting Edge Image Consulting (CEIC) is author of the book How to Get A Girlfriend: The Seven Essential Skills for Attracting the Woman of Your Dreams and Natural Attraction, 7 CD Audio course on image enhancement and dating for men. He teaches how to become a man that's magnetically attractive to women of exceptional quality and how to build positive and healthy relationships through charisma and self-image enhancement.

This Complete, Step-by-Step System Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Being Highly Successful with Women: 7 Tips on the Secret of Seduction

Being Highly Successful with Women: 7 Tips on the Secret of Seduction by S. Cintron

Secret of Seduction Tip 1: 3 Second Rule

The 3 seconds rule was coined by Pick-Up Artist Mystery. The point of the 3s rule is to propel you to approach women fast enough to keep your internal voice from talking you out of it and avoid hesitation.

Secret of Seduction Tip 2: Do looks matter?

Of course they do, but not nearly as much as you think. It is only natural that men think the same rules about looks apply to women as they do men. A woman, however, places much less importance to how a man looks compared to how he can make her feel.

Secret of Seduction Tip 3: Most Important Traits Women Desire

-Confidence -humor -Smile -Well Groomed -Emotional Connection

Secret of Seduction Tip 4: What makes a successful Pick-Up Artist?

To be a successful Pick-Up Artist means being patient and persistent. Being comfortable just going up and talking to new women. And most importantly, knowing how to talk to a woman to make her start thinking in romantic directions.

Secret of Seduction Tip 5: Have women approach you

Women love men just as much as we love women. Women love sex just as much as we do. Women are gonna get it somewhere, may as well be you. A great article on having women approach you can be found at:

Secret of Seduction Tip 6: Playful, Confident, and In Charge

Be playful, Confident, and In Charge. There is no such thing as too much rapport. Good rapport is the foundation of the Seduction.

Secret of Seduction Tip 7: Laughter

The more you make her laugh, the closer you are to where you want to be. Take every opportunity to make her laugh.

About the Author
If you found this article on being successful with women helpful you can find more articles on the art of seduction by visiting the Complete Online Guide to Being Highly Successful with Women at:

This Complete, Step-by-Step System Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Monday, November 06, 2006

How to Seduce Young Women

How to Seduce Young Women by Benjamin Ehinger

Do you want to date beautiful young women every weekend? Do you wan to have the confidence to know that you can get with any woman you want? How do you seduce young women?

First, I want to make a point to say that when I am referring to young women I do not mean minors in any way, shape, or form. I am talking about women that are younger than you. Anyone under 18 shouldn't be reading this and any man over 18 shouldn't be dating women under 18.

Ok on with how to seduce young woman. So how in the world can you go from zero to hero? It isn't as complicated as you think. There is one thing that any man, whether a model or a geek, can have over any woman. What is it? Confidence.

Women love confidence. They find it sexy, attractive, and irresistible. This is your weapon. Now we need to learn how to build this new found confidence so we can use this weapon.

There are a few tips I can give you to use to build confidence in yourself. First, the next party or bar you go to start by walking in like you own the place, and as soon as you see a beautiful woman walk right up to here and strike up a conversation. Make her smile and face your fear of talking to beautiful women. Even if she blows you off every other woman in the room will have noticed.

You will have women beating down your door with this trick. Believe it or not you will be surprised at the success you will have with this little trick. You will also be surprised how much easier it becomes to talk to beautiful women.

You have to be able to face your fears. The longer you wait the harder things get and the more afraid you will become. Face your fears and conquer them. This will lead you to more confidence and that will lead you to more women.

Use these two tips to build your confidence and you are sure to attract more women. Your new self worth will do wonders for your life and your dating.

About the Author
Are you ready to start dating the young women of your dreams? Do you want to have all of your friends jealous of you because you are dating the hottest woman in the room? For more info on how to date young beautiful women go to:

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Free tips on how to seduce women

Free tips on how to seduce women by Pete Blank

These free tips on how to seduce women are derived from the book "The Game. Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists" by Neil Strauss.

Tip 1 on how to seduce women:

Ignore them.

Yes, you heard right: IGNORE them!

If you want to seduce women you are not going to get very far by getting in their face right away. At first, let them think you're not interested. The last thing women want is some nerd following them around constantly staring at them and thus giving them the creeps. They may play with you but YOU won't get to play with THEM.

To successfully seduce women, you have to keep your cool. Be patient.

If you are approaching a woman that is part of a group, don't home in on her right away. Say hi to all members of the group, including your "prospect". But after introduction completely ignore her for at least ten minutes.

Why, you ask?

This will do two things for you:

One: Women, especially the ones with good looks, are used to being admired and gawked at by men. All the more will she be irritated by the fact that a man is completely ignoring her. She may start asking herself if something is wrong with herself. Many women are insecure of themselves in one way or the other, believe it or not, even the hottest of hot babes. So this will get her thinking. Maybe she will think you are gay, maybe she will think you didn't see how beautiful she is.

No matter WHAT she thinks: you got her thinking - ABOUT YOU! Your first step to successful seduction!

Had you done the same thing every wannabe would have done - approach her directly and jabber away at her while making a total dork of yourself - you would have had her thinking: "How am I going to get rid of this idiot?"

Now, you got her thinking about you in an interested way, which brings us to point number two:

As she is being ignored by you it will be up to her to establish contact. Ultimately, she will want to find out what is "wrong" with you - or her, for that matter. That way you have her in a position where you would normally be if you ignored this advice: SHE wants to get into contact with YOU - not the other way around.

Conclusion Resist your urge to "attack" the woman of your dreams head-on - that's what everybody else is doing already, with limited to no success. Make it easy on yourself and turn the tables of how to seduce women in your favor. Make HER want to get to know YOU. It will be so much easier that way to get where you want.


Tip 2 on how to seduce women:

Use "emotional anchoring".

This very powerful psychological trick works like this: If someone you are talking to experiences positive feelings while they are talking to you - no matter where those feelings come from - they will subconciously attribute those feelings to you. If, for example, you ask a woman to remember her feelings when she first fell in love, those feelings will be "linked" to you. She will remember having a good time and feeling all warm and fuzzy when she thinks of you - not because of you but because of the feelings those memories stirred in her.

This technique is a standard among experienced sales people. The point is to get the prospect into a "buying mood", which is effectively what you are trying to to when seducing a woman - you want her to "buy you". People only make buying decisions when they are in a positive mood and you want to do all you can to connect yourself to this positive mood.

Think about it: would you have positive feelings about a messenger that brings you your divorce papers to your doorstep? Probably not. Would you feel positive about someone bringing you a winning letter from the lottery and who congratulated you with a broad smile?

Conclusion The mind makes no difference why we feel good. Get on the good side of your "prospect" by making them feel good.


Tip 3 on how to seduce women:

Be confident and smile.

To successfully seduce women you have to radiate confidence. Women love confidence in men. And the best way to appear confident is to smile. A smile shows that you are comfortable with yourself and the situation.

A smile also "tunes" other people in your favor. Smile at anyone and they will smile back. It's a fact: a smile creates a smile. Only the darkest of souls does not react to a smile with a smile of his or her own, and you don't want to get into bed - or anywhere else - with people like that anyway.

Conclusion When you walk into some place act like you own it. Straighten your back and move the corners of your mouth towards your ears! Smile and be smiled at!

Want more tips like these? Want to become a seduction pro? Find out the secrets of how to successfully seduce women others wouldn't dare to approach! Get it "from the horse's mouth".

Guy Gets Girl™ Is The 1st And Only Step-By-Simple-Step - Pickup, Dating And Seduction Guide On The Internet Written For Men... By A Woman!

About the Author
Pete Blank is the editor of

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Art of Flirting

Art of Flirting

Many people believe that the art of flirting is something that you either have or you don’t. This isn’t true at all. The art of flirting is something, which can be mastered by anyone with an interest in learning how to flirt. It’s a practice-makes-perfect skill, which is learned from the inside out. Everyone masters the art of flirting differently, but there are some basics of the art of flirting which might help you to find the flirt within and bring her out to play.

The first thing to know about the art of flirting is that it’s something, which can be done by anyone. You don’t need to be the most attractive person in the room (and beauty is a subjective quality anyone) and you don’t have to be the smartest, most athletic or most outgoing either. The art of flirting is designed to bring out the wonderful qualities that are unique about you and to let them shine so that others can be drawn to them. In this way, the art of flirting begins from the inside. Knowing the qualities you like about yourself and using them as a basis, the art of flirting is an art of quiet confidence.

But you want to know what to do to let others know that you’re a terrific person right? The art of flirting is an art, which is primarily non-verbal. They say that the eyes are the keys to the soul and you should use yours as a starting point for the art of flirting. Have you ever been glancing around a room, bored and disinterested in what was going on around you when a stranger caught your gaze and held it for a few moments? For most people, this causes the heart to race and the mind to start whirring, wondering what it was about them that caught someone’s attention. People are drawn to others who are attracted to them and you can convey your interest at many levels with the different types of looks you give to people. The art of flirting will incorporate many different types of gazes. If you are in a public setting and just want to catch the eye of a stranger, meeting their gaze and holding it for a few seconds then letting it go followed by meeting it again is the best method. This quickly conveys that you are interested in flirting with them and you will be able to tell from their reaction whether or not they share your interest. More aggressive flirting is done through giving the object of flirtation a look, which says, “I am thinking dirty things about you”. Sometimes this is done with a lingering gaze, sometimes with an up-and-down-the-body glance and sometimes with a stare, which suggests that you are hungry and looking to devour them.

In addition to eye contact, the art of flirting makes use of other types of body language. Positioning your body in such a manner that shows you are open to communication is crucial to the art of flirting. Touching the other person is also a big part of the art of flirting, but it should be done cautiously. You should read the other person’s body language to determine whether they are welcoming the signals you are sending out. You’ll be able to tell if it’s appropriate to touch their arm or lean your leg against theirs while talking. The art of flirting consists of a combination of conveying your intentions while reading the signals of the other person. A successful combination of these two things which stems from a foundation of casual confidence in your own self worth makes the art of flirting enjoyable and fun.

By: John Garret
John Garret believes that a successful man or woman gets validation from his/her life, not from relationships with other singles. And you should seek confident women/men that are not needy.

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Tip for Pick-Up Artists: The Eyes Have It

Tip for Pick-Up Artists: The Eyes Have It

The best pick up line isn't a line at all - it's a look.

Eyes have fascinated body linguists throughout history. We're all familiar with sayings such as "she looked daggers at me", "he has shifty eyes", or "she made goo goo eyes at me".

Eyes are a focal point on a person's body and the pupils give off subliminal communications that are outside your control. Dilated pupils - aka bedroom eyes - indicate arousal and interest. Contracted pupils - aka beady eyes or snake eyes - indicate anger or a negative mood.

There are few simple gestures you can do with your eyes to improve your hit rate in the flirting stakes. A warm smile and an open direct gaze is the best way to show interest in someone and invite contact. But don't leer or stare.

In the US they've done studies in (hetero) singles bars which show that unless a woman looks up and holds a man's eyes and smiles, he will not come over to her. Women can also try a sidelong glance or moving away a little - either with the eyes or the body - and then come forward again. This builds the flirtatious energy.

Once you've made eye contact, all you have to do is say "hi". It's as simple as that.

By: CharlesFC
Charles Cuninghame is a website copywriter and SEO copywriter in Sydney, Australia. Find out more about Charles at

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Why She Won't Call - Lessons Every Pick-Up Artist Must Learn

Why She Won't Call - Lessons Every Pick-Up Artist Must Learn by Stephen Nash

Why SHE Won't Call... Let's call this my "She's Just Not That Into You" series, to borrow the phrase from Behrendt and Tucillo. She's just not that into you...if she doesn't return your calls.

How many times have you found yourself wondering, "does she like me, or not?" Maybe you have just met her, and simply cannot tell. Or, maybe it's the third date, and you still feel uncertain.

Listen, women are subtle. They will usually indicate their interest to you, or not, indirectly. They are not going to run up to you and shout into your ear, "I AM INTERESTED, KISS ME NOW PLEASE!" OK?

Likewise, they are not typically known for being blunt either. So, expecting her to simply tell you that she has lost interest is unreasonable. In this series, I uncover the common signals that women send to men indicating their lack of interest. Also, with each "symptom", I will offer a "cure" for fixing this issue the next time.

She's Just Not That Into You...symptom #1:

You give her a call, but she doesn't call you back...what to do?

This happens to each and every one of us. It has certainly happened to me more than once. What this typically indicates is a lack of connection. If you call her once, and you receive no reply, definitely try her again. But, if she doesn't pick up on the second call, leave this message:

"Hey, it's Stephen. I thought I would give in one last shot at meeting up with you. I enjoyed our conversation, and hoped to continue it sometime. Anyway, here's my number, and I wish you the best."

This is so solid because it tells her that you will not chase her, and that you are willing to walk away. You are not desperate. If you have seen "Swingers", recall the excruciating scene when John Favreau calls the girl he just met at the club. If you haven't seen this classic, rent it tonight.

This message often gets a call back, as she realizes you are serious about meeting up with her. If she doesn't call you back, then you know one of the following has happened:

1) She is not open to meeting anyone new right now;

2) She does not trust you.

We have no control over situations where the woman is simply not interested in meeting someone new. She may already be in a relationship or just be in town for the weekend; we'll never know, so don't dwell on it.

However, we can influence the initial interaction so that she feels greater attraction and trust for us. If you consistently do not get return calls from women, you are not handling this first exchange with enough care and intelligence for her to ever want to see you again.

Being an attractive man is both an internal belief, and an external skill set. Do you know how to flirt? Do you know how to tell a story (and not put someone to sleep)? Do you know how to tease? Do you know how to do all of this without coming across as weird and creepy? Do you have a plan of action when meeting women? Do you know how to structure an interaction to insure a date?

In my book, "How to Get a Girlfriend", I cover these topics in massive detail. For now, just realize that a woman must feel attracted to you before she will be willing to give you her number.

So, since we are trouble-shooting phone calls, let's assume she felt that spark of attraction, and in the flush of the moment, handed you her card. Now, you have phoned her a couple of times, but she won't call you back...why is this?

She doesn't trust you.

Trust is a complex issue, my friend. In order to understand it, put yourself in her shoes for a moment.

First, you are approached by this cool guy, and you are engaged in a conversation. It flows nicely from the beginning, and you find him attractive. You then talk about this great film you both saw last week (coincidentally) for about ten minutes. He seemed charming, so you gave him your phone number. After you left, you started asking yourself some questions. What do we really have in common? What will we talk about if we went out? Would it be comfortable? Why does he like me, when he knows nothing about me? Is it only for my appearance? Who was that guy?

You see where this leads, don't you? She doesn't really know you, so she cannot trust you or your intentions. You may be sincerely interested in her - perhaps her vibe was irresistible, or her appearance was too beautiful to pass up - but unless she feels a solid connection, you won't see her again.

You have been thrown in the pile with all the other guys who, "only want me for my body".

So, how do we create this solid connection?

In brief, you talk about many different things. We call this wide rapport. In the example above, I describe deep rapport. When you first meet a woman, and you know you want to see her again, you need to create wide rapport.

Talk about a lot of topics by using your conversation skills. Be sure you reveal aspects of your personality and your background. Don't go into a full life story, but be sure to let her know SOMETHING about you. She has to leave knowing enough about you in order to feel comfortable seeing you again.

When she feels you have more than just one thing in common, her thought process changes: Wow, I hope he calls, we have so much to talk about. I felt comfortable around him, because he knew how to hold a conversation. I enjoyed talking with him, he was interesting, and he really listened to me.

See where this goes?

In my ebook, "How To Get A Girlfriend", I go over this A LOT. Creating Attraction and Trust are critical to having an active dating life, leading to meaningful relationships. I also go into the real world skills necessary for revealing your personality, without it seeming too obvious or needy.

If you haven't bought your copy yet...what are you waiting for? Go for it. It is designed for guys who want the maximum edge with dating and relationships.

Wishing you the best,

Stephen Nash

About the Author
Stephen Nash of Cutting Edge Image Consulting (CEIC) is author of the book How to Get A Girlfriend: The Seven Essential Skills for Attracting the Woman of Your Dreams and Natural Attraction, 7 CD Audio course on image enhancement and dating for men.

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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