Monday, October 23, 2006

How Aspiring Pick-Up Artists Can Learn to Talk to Girls

How Aspiring Pick-Up Artists Can Learn to Talk to Girls by Rick

The first step into being able to seduce women...

So, the first step in seducing women, is actually being able to talk to them. But what you are doing now is that you wait, you might even stand close to her and get eye contact. If you get it, you hope she comes up to you and opens you with "hey sexy".

Well, guess what, the chances for that are pretty slim, so the only alternative is that YOU walk up to her and start the conversation.

And this is pretty easy, but it feels hard!. The main problem is the pretty famous saying "The only fear, is fear itself". Because talking to people is not weird or scary. You do it to dozens a day!

But still, you think bad things will happen to you when you talk to strangers.... Well, let's take a look from a different perspective.

Let's do a small exercise for this. It is very easy and you should really do it. In the worst case, you loose 2 minutes of your time....Well, play a computergame less for 2 minutes and you are balanced for today again. So do this, think about it, sit down on a chair and only focus on this for 1 minute. Leave your cigaret, don't sip on your coke and stop biting your nails. Here it comes

What is the worst thing that can happen to you when you approach a woman? Imagine the situation, see what happens.

Think about it for at least one minute.

Done? No?


You really did it, right? If not, stop reading and do it! You have to take action and do it, otherwise you can ignore everything else below as well, because that'll take a minute of your time as well.

Well, I don't know you personally, so I can't reply to your personal answer, but these answers could be possible; "she can laugh at me", "she can ignore me", "she can take a stick from the ground and beat me on the head", "she can kick me in the nuts and lock me in the elevator". Really, the most absolute nonsense can be the worst possible scenario your brain could come up with.

Are these really realistic fears? NO!

The most possible thing is that she ignores you (far more often than her hitting you with a stick) but that's only a very small percentage of what is actually happening when you conversate with strangers. They almost all respond positive! The few that ignore you, well, they are so a-social, that it's even better that they ignore you! You don't want to hang around with people like that, do you? It's her problem, not yours, you actually avoided that problem!

Most people like it when you talk to them and fill up the boring sience when they are witing for the bus or metro. Instead of looking straight ahead into the distance they can have fun with you! Think off all the fun conversations you have with your friends and imagine you can have them with strangers...and you know what....You can! When you start talking to strangers, you are improving and developing yourself, so you will be able to approach your dream woman when you meet her in the future. You will feel good about yourself and you have all rights to!

Think of all the pain if you do not act now. imagine yourself in 10 years, still not being able to talk to women, still hoping for the woman to talk to you, still not having any choice in which women you want to date. Or you take action now, and have a look in one of the sections about different dating techniques, to help you get the skills you need to seduce women.

Oke, so how do we start with approaching women? Well, start small and become more social!

Step 1:

Just say "hi" to random strangers on the street when you walk up to them. Smile cusually with it and get eye contact. Alot of them are really perceptive for it and say hi back or they are stunned that you do it and can't even say hi back. You will make their day, because such a cool guy was initiating contact and far most people like that and appriciate it.

Step 2:

Make random remarks to strangers. You can start with asking directions (even if you don't need to go there), ask about the weather ("nice weather eh?"), ask about something they are doing "do you like that book so far?", about the bus "aah, you just missed the bus", or about gas prices "damn, did the gas prices explode yesterday?"

This is the first step in seducing women, because if you can't initiate contact with them, then the group of women you might seduce decreases fast, very fast and you are limiting yourself in a terrible way. Another advantage of becoming more social and talking to strangers is that you will get more friends, which automatically leads to better times in your life (more parties, things to do, job opportunities etc).

About the Author
Rick is the founder of the site and has experience growin from a person who was not well socialized in his puberty, to a person with a great social network and no problem any more with getting dates and dating women.

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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