Monday, October 30, 2006

A PUA's Fast and Easy Tips to Avoid Being "Just Friends"

A PUA's Fast and Easy Tips to Avoid Being "Just Friends" by Stephen Nash

Don't worry, it happens to each and every one of us. We meet a woman, she is gorgeous, intelligent, and seems into us. And then, just as we are about to move to kiss her, she throws up her hands and delivers the CLASSIC line:

Let's Just Be Friends

Ugh...our hearts drop, we feel embarrassed, and our masculinity plummets. What happened? What went wrong?

There is no fail-safe method to preventing this, but there are some tried and true tips to help stave-off this dreaded phrase. Here we go:

1) Be physical. No, I don't mean wrestle with her, but I do mean for you to TOUCH her. Perhaps you just met her, and have been talking for 5-10 minutes - touch her lightly on the hand or the shoulder. Or, you are out on your first date, offer your arm to her as you cross the street or subtly place your hand on her lower back. These are masculine moves, which signal to her that this is a romantic interaction, not a "friendly" one.

2) Be bold. Ultimately guys, she is looking to you to be both sensitive to her and to the moment. If the window opens for a kiss, be bold, and go for it. If you allow too many of these to pass, the energy changes, and you classify YOURSELF as a "friend". Even if she rejects your advance, it is far better to go for it that not. You get nowhere fast by hoping a kiss magically happens. If she does reject you, this doesn't mean you cannot try again later. Also, she may be saving you a lot of time by indicating that she simply is not interested in you. Better to find out now...

3) Challenge her. Too often we are so eager to please the woman that we fail to be ourselves. If we are really focused and moving our lives forward, our attractiveness to women increases tremendously. In my ebook, "How To Get A Girlfriend", I discuss this in length. A woman, intuitively, biologically, is seeking a man who will be firm and steadfast in his resolve, and his purpose. The way we demonstrate this is in not accepting her at her fullest. So, if you feel that she is not really living up to her potential, TELL HER. If she is allowing herself to slip into mediocrity, TELL HER. Do it tenderly, and with love, but be sure to do it. Don't accept less than her best.

There you go guys. If you can do these three things with consistency, you will never find yourself hearing those awful words again..."Let's Just Be Friends". There will be times when you do not get the girl, but you will always be firm in your purpose maintaining your integrity. And, you will be better prepared for the NEXT girl, just around the corner.

If you want to know more about EXACTLY how to incorporate this belief set, and skyrocket your dating success, check out my ebook "How To Get A Girlfriend". You can download it to your computer, and be reading it in less than 5 minutes. Want to get this area handled ASAP? Go for it now.

Also, if you have questions that you feel are suitable for our mailbag series, feel free to email them to me at:

About the Author
Stephen Nash of Cutting Edge Image Consulting (CEIC) is author of the book How to Get A Girlfriend: The Seven Essential Skills for Attracting the Woman of Your Dreams and Natural Attraction, 7 CD Audio course on image enhancement and dating for men.

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Friday, October 27, 2006

How To Flirt Like a Man

How To Flirt Like a Man by Stephen Nash

Most guys hear the word man and instantly envision the traditional Marlboro Man pose, with lowered brow, and suspicious gaze...

So, lets get real and be serious about this for a moment...or, better yet, let's NOT. Being too serious, and trying to flirt, is like C3PO trying to break dance. So, how can we take the tension out of dating, while maintaining effectiveness?

Listen, I work with a lot of guys and I know that most of them feel pretty clueless when it comes to flirting. They either overdo it, and come off like a horse's $&# or the don't do it enough, failing to create any sexual tension. These guys tend to live with the "nice guy" label, and have many female "friends" in their lives but little romance.

The first key to flirting is to RELAX. When you are uptight about a girl "liking you", she will sense it and lose interest FAST. This is not rocket science here guys!

When you feel this way, look her in the eye and imagine her snoring. I know it sounds strange, but when you see that pretty face of hers blaring out a loud snore while asleep, she tends to lose all the importance you have given her. The idea is to realize that she is not deserving of your power, so why be freaked out in her presence?

Second, being flirtatious means being playful. There is a lot written up out there about the importance of being "cocky". Frankly, this idea is played out. The guys I meet tell me the same thing:

"Every time I get cocky with her, she loses interest in me. I always come off like an ass!"

Yep. That's why we don't talk cocky here. The key is to be PLAYFUL. Teasing her is GREAT. Treat her like she's the nerdy kid in high school. When she does something dumb, bust her on it. When you do this though, do it with a smile - be sure she knows you are teasing her. Otherwise, without the playful attitude, you will be categorized as a jerk.

Incidentally, NEVER make fun of her looks. Feel free to compliment her "look", but never tease her about her genetic appearance. Tease and bust on her behavior only. This is where the fun happens.

The magic combination is to combine this playful attitude with being a gentleman. Open doors, pull out the chairs, offer your arm when going over the curb, help with her jacket...all of those chivalrous things...DO THEM.

Feel free to be as nice and courteous to her as possible. But, be sure to mix that with teasing and a playful combination. Having this mixture allows you to be a gentleman. Without it, you become her "friend" and a "nice guy". Yuck!

By revealing that you are considerate and fun, you become the big winner. It is the essence of what is called "push/pull". I cover this in greater detail in my products. For now, just note that when you tease her, you subtly (psychically) push her away. When you are considerate and chivalrous, you pull her towards you. This creates TENSION.

This tension is also known as - Sexual Tension. To flirt like a man means to be the master of tension. When to dial it up, when to slow it down, and when to drop it altogether. It takes experience to master it, but focus on these principles to ride the fast track:

* Relax - nothing is more unattractive than an uptight guy, chill out and lower the stakes; * Playful - tease her, poke fun at her, and do it with a smile; * Gentleman - Open doors, offer your hand and make her feel special; * Confidence - do all of the above with confidence, and you will help her feel comfortable and valuable...this combo makes you the big winner.

I hope you find this helpful.

Wishing you the best,

Stephen Nash

About the Author
Stephen Nash of Cutting Edge Image Consulting (CEIC) is author of the book How to Get A Girlfriend: The Seven Essential Skills for Attracting the Woman of Your Dreams and Natural Attraction, 7 CD Audio course on image enhancement and dating for men.

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

How A Pick-Up Artist Talks To A "10"

How A Pick-Up Artist Talks To A "10"

By: Stephen Nash

You are out with some friends, maybe at a great new lounge. On your way to the bar, you notice a woman with extra-special beauty laughing with her friends. She has that look of beauty that is rare, but is breathtaking. You want to meet her, but how?

It might surprise you to hear that the very attractive women out there are often the easiest to approach. Most women of great beauty are so intimidating to men, that the best a guy can do is pick his jaw up off the floor and keep walking. Truthfully, extraordinary beauty strikes the fear of God in many men.

So, if you want to learn how to approach and attract very beautiful women, the most important thing to remember is….relax.

A few years ago, I worked up the nerve to approach a very famous supermodel (who shall remain nameless). I was terrified upon approaching, but forced myself to do it because I knew it would help me build my confidence.

What surprised me was how open she was to having a conversation. She was friendly, humorous and engaging. The interaction ended when her thug-bodyguard ran me off…but I was so surprised how easy she was to talk to. Interesting, right?

What my friends and I realized later was that women of great beauty are rarely approached by men. The women hardest to meet are, in fact, those that are a bit below the supermodel level – call them an “8” or a “9” (rating scales are crude, so forgive me). They are less intimidating, and therefore more approachable by men.

They are the ones who will often throw tests at you as fast as a Roger Clemens fastball. Why? They have had to learn how to deal with men trying to pick them up a lot, and have developed an arsenal to defend themselves from guys only interested in their bodies.

However, the “10”s of the world are already so fearsome to men, that they tend to get off slightly easier. Of course, they have challenges in different ways, but for now I encourage you to go for it and approach them.

When (and if) you do, be sure not to fawn over their beauty or even remark that they are attractive. This will instantly blow it for you, as you become one of the many who are not able to get past their looks. Instead, ask her something like this:

“Excuse me – I need female input on a debate my friends and I are having – maybe you can help. In a relationship, what is more important to women – romance or adventure?”

Presto – ask her this and she won’t think you are talking to her because she is so gorgeous, but because she is nearby and female. Plus, it is an interesting topic – women love talking about relationships. From there, just engage her in playful conversation, and then lead her into a more personal conversation.
If you asked an extremely attractive woman what is it that most upsets her about her beauty, it would probably be that people see her as a hot body, rather than as a person.

So, remember – relax - and go for it. And when you do, be sure to talk to the person and not the body! Ask her questions, chit chat with her, tell her funny stories, probe her opinions on subjects. Be interested in what she is saying rather than her amazing figure.

Good luck! And, if you do approach a “10” today, pat yourself on the back my friend. You just joined the smallest group of men on earth…those willing to go for what they really want and deserve out of life!

Stephen Nash
Cutting Edge Image Consulting

Stephen Nash of Cutting Edge Image Consulting (CEIC) is author of the book How to Get A Girlfriend: The Seven Essential Skills for Attracting the Woman of Your Dreams and Natural Attraction, 7 CD Audio course on image enhancement and dating for men. He teaches how to become a man that's magnetically attractive to women of exceptional quality and how to build positive and healthy relationships through charisma and self-image enhancement.

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Monday, October 23, 2006

How Aspiring Pick-Up Artists Can Learn to Talk to Girls

How Aspiring Pick-Up Artists Can Learn to Talk to Girls by Rick

The first step into being able to seduce women...

So, the first step in seducing women, is actually being able to talk to them. But what you are doing now is that you wait, you might even stand close to her and get eye contact. If you get it, you hope she comes up to you and opens you with "hey sexy".

Well, guess what, the chances for that are pretty slim, so the only alternative is that YOU walk up to her and start the conversation.

And this is pretty easy, but it feels hard!. The main problem is the pretty famous saying "The only fear, is fear itself". Because talking to people is not weird or scary. You do it to dozens a day!

But still, you think bad things will happen to you when you talk to strangers.... Well, let's take a look from a different perspective.

Let's do a small exercise for this. It is very easy and you should really do it. In the worst case, you loose 2 minutes of your time....Well, play a computergame less for 2 minutes and you are balanced for today again. So do this, think about it, sit down on a chair and only focus on this for 1 minute. Leave your cigaret, don't sip on your coke and stop biting your nails. Here it comes

What is the worst thing that can happen to you when you approach a woman? Imagine the situation, see what happens.

Think about it for at least one minute.

Done? No?


You really did it, right? If not, stop reading and do it! You have to take action and do it, otherwise you can ignore everything else below as well, because that'll take a minute of your time as well.

Well, I don't know you personally, so I can't reply to your personal answer, but these answers could be possible; "she can laugh at me", "she can ignore me", "she can take a stick from the ground and beat me on the head", "she can kick me in the nuts and lock me in the elevator". Really, the most absolute nonsense can be the worst possible scenario your brain could come up with.

Are these really realistic fears? NO!

The most possible thing is that she ignores you (far more often than her hitting you with a stick) but that's only a very small percentage of what is actually happening when you conversate with strangers. They almost all respond positive! The few that ignore you, well, they are so a-social, that it's even better that they ignore you! You don't want to hang around with people like that, do you? It's her problem, not yours, you actually avoided that problem!

Most people like it when you talk to them and fill up the boring sience when they are witing for the bus or metro. Instead of looking straight ahead into the distance they can have fun with you! Think off all the fun conversations you have with your friends and imagine you can have them with strangers...and you know what....You can! When you start talking to strangers, you are improving and developing yourself, so you will be able to approach your dream woman when you meet her in the future. You will feel good about yourself and you have all rights to!

Think of all the pain if you do not act now. imagine yourself in 10 years, still not being able to talk to women, still hoping for the woman to talk to you, still not having any choice in which women you want to date. Or you take action now, and have a look in one of the sections about different dating techniques, to help you get the skills you need to seduce women.

Oke, so how do we start with approaching women? Well, start small and become more social!

Step 1:

Just say "hi" to random strangers on the street when you walk up to them. Smile cusually with it and get eye contact. Alot of them are really perceptive for it and say hi back or they are stunned that you do it and can't even say hi back. You will make their day, because such a cool guy was initiating contact and far most people like that and appriciate it.

Step 2:

Make random remarks to strangers. You can start with asking directions (even if you don't need to go there), ask about the weather ("nice weather eh?"), ask about something they are doing "do you like that book so far?", about the bus "aah, you just missed the bus", or about gas prices "damn, did the gas prices explode yesterday?"

This is the first step in seducing women, because if you can't initiate contact with them, then the group of women you might seduce decreases fast, very fast and you are limiting yourself in a terrible way. Another advantage of becoming more social and talking to strangers is that you will get more friends, which automatically leads to better times in your life (more parties, things to do, job opportunities etc).

About the Author
Rick is the founder of the site and has experience growin from a person who was not well socialized in his puberty, to a person with a great social network and no problem any more with getting dates and dating women.

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

How a pick-up artist gets laid like a Rock Star

How to get laid like a Rock Star by JIm Walters

I wasn't a sexist before I understood women. There was a time when I was blissfully ignorant. I grew up watching Disney cartoons, I believed in romance and "true love conquers all" etc. I wanted to find a woman who could be my equal, my partner. I believed in finding that one true love and being committed to each other forever. You know, like in the marriage vows, "for better or for worse, through sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer" etc. And I believed that women basically wanted the same thing. Now I understand that this was only possible when society was structured to enforce it. Now that women are "liberated" (and thus at the mercy of their own emotions and baser instincts) this is mostly no longer possible in today's society. Victorian society, or many Arab societies, are examples of how society used to be structured to keep women as faithful as possible.

I'd like to point out that I am not a misogynist...I love women. But I AM a sexist, in the sense that I believe women are vastly different than men and, according to the standards that men hold for other men, women are inferior as well.

I must be a bitter loser, right? In fact, I enjoy more success with women than most of the men in this city. I have slept with over 200 women in my life. I am sleeping with 5 different women right now. They are all normal, healthy, well-adjusted, good-looking (8+ on the looks scale) professional women. (At least as normal and healthy and well-adjusted as women can be - most women have issues.) But that's not all. I can go out any night of the week and pick up a woman. I can pick her up in front of all her friends (with 80% efficiency for each approach.) Women will slip me their phone number when their boyfriend is in the bathroom. I can talk to women on the street or in the grocery store and within 30 minutes, I can usually have sex with them right there in my car or get them back to my place. If I have to settle for a phone number, and I meet her on another day, assuming she doesn't flake, I WILL fuck her that next day.

Let me point out right now that my Modus Operandi doesn't change in the slightest if she single or if she has a boyfriend or husband. I just do my normal routine and I fuck her. Sometimes she brings up the boyfriend so she won't feel guilty when I fuck her because now it's "my fault." Sometimes she hides it from me until after I've fucked her, then she admits it. I can't tell you how many times I've been laying next to some chick, all sweaty cause I just finished busting a nut all over her face or in her mouth or on her back, and suddenly her phone rings and she's on the phone with her man, giving him some bullshit story. This is with NO GUILT WHATSOEVER!!! The sweetest most innocent girls you ever laid eyes on, will cheat at the drop of a HAT. The one thing that most men value most - loyalty - is just not there with women. Women don't think in terms of honor, women don't say "word is bond;" women are basically emotionally driven. If they feel it, they do it, period. Then they rationalize it to themselves later. Nothing is more meaningful, or compelling, to a woman than (1) the way she feels and (2) learning more about her own inner self and having emotional realizations. That's why women love astrology, chick flicks, soap operas, stupid Cosmo quizes that supposedly reveal info about yourself, etc.

I must be really good looking, right? NOPE. My looks are marginal; I'm maybe a 7. I don't work out (though I'm not fat or anything.) In fact I didn't have any success with women until I was in my early 20's. That's when I decided to go out a lot and start trying to get laid... I was willing to face rejection a thousand times a night, and do it over and over, trying everything, until I got it right. I had to completely set my ego aside. I didn't get laid at all for the first few months. Then every now and then. Then pretty often. Then downright consistently! I'm in my early 30's now and I am basically a sexual god. I wouldn't have even believed this were possible when I was in high school. The ONLY factor that determined whether a woman would cheat was my own skill level. When my skills were poor, women shit all over me. (Everyone knows how women think they have license to be rude bitches in social situations... in fact I understand and appreciate that behavior now.) But once my skills got good, I could fuck just about anyone's wife or girlfriend. And many times I didn't know they had a man until after I fucked them.

Look, I'm not saying that men are perfect, or whatever. Far from it. I'm just saying, I've spent a lot of my time studying women and interacting with them, and I know how they are. In fact, sometimes I hate knowing it. Sometimes I wish I had taken the blue pill, and never went down the rabbit hole, because now there's really no going back. I didn't want to believe these things... but how could I ever get married now? How could I ever be the chump who pays for everything and blissfully goes through life not worrying about his woman because he trusts her? Look, would you leave your dog alone with a steak? You can't hate the dog for doing what's in its nature. You can't trust a dog, BUT you can trust a dog to BE a dog. Some men are disloyal... but I could *never* trust a woman to be loyal. Some men are bad presidents...but I could *never* vote for a woman to be president. I can rarely expect a woman to regard her own promises as more important and compelling to her than the emotions she feels in the moment. She will rationalize it to herself later.

Here's an interesting fact. Did you know that the median 22 year old woman has TWICE as much sex as the median 22 year old man? You might ask, how is that possible? If a woman's having sex, doesn't that mean a man is having sex at the same time? And thus, shouldn't men be having just as much sex as women? NO...because most men hardly get laid, or if they do, it's because they "got lucky." But a small group of men get laid ALL THE TIME, and fuck LOTS AND LOTS of women! It's evolution at work. Women follow their emotions, and that leads them to sleep with men like me (who know how to control female emotions.) Women want the top the top man fucks lots of women. That's right - the sexual revolution, feminism, etc has resulted in a return to harems. Women, at the mercy of their own emotions, are volunteering for the modern-day equivalent of harems. Lucky for me!! Heh.

You might say, "But...but...I'm so nice! I'm a nice guy!" Guess what? That's like a fat chick saying, "But I'm so smart!" As if those things have anything in the world to do with sexual attraction!

I'm going to give some tips here for the poor sucker guys who are posting online trying to get laid and who are spending hundreds / thousands of dollars on all those whores out there without getting any play. (You bitches know exactly what you're doing, and I'm on to your game!)

Don't be sexually judgemental in any way. A woman's worst fear is to be perceived as a slut. She will suck your toes and take it in the ass if she thinks you don't view her poorly for it (and she knows her friends won't find out.)

Don't get angry at her. Women know they have emotional outbursts and they need to trust that you can handle that. It's ok (and necessary) to occasionally put your foot down...just make sure she knows you are fully in control of yourself.

Don't let her manipulate you or control you in any way. She will immediately lose all respect for you. Always be leading. It's just like dancing - women hate a man who can't lead.

When first approaching a woman or a group, they tend to get a feeling like this is just your little scheme to get close to them, when you really just want something from them - like sex. (And they're right.) It's important to structure your body language and conversation so that they honestly don't believe you want something from them. They should feel like you are about to leave at any second.

DON'T TRY TO IMPRESS HER IN ANY WAY. Don't show off. Don't talk about accomplishments or possessions. As soon as she perceives that you are trying to prove yourself to her, she loses all interest.

Don't ignore her friends. A woman values her friend's opinions more than just about anything else in the world. Nothing matters to her more than what other women are thinking. Give her friends lots of attention and get everyone laughing. If one woman is feeling different than the others, she will drag them away. They will follow like a flock of pigeons. Society is the book of women. (Notice that men do NOT behave this way! Women are very different!)

To get a woman attracted / emotionally vulnerable, give her lots of emotions and feelings. Don't just make her feel good. Make her feel good, and angry, and sad, and connected, and astonished, and intrigued, etc. Make her laugh. Tease her. Tell stories about your sick puppy. Tell her why things would never work out between the two of you. Call her a dork. If she gets heated up, she will start touching you...playfully push her away. If she calls you a jerk and punches your arm, you are doing it right. If she gives you that "I can't believe you just said that" look, do NOT back down, do not say "Oh I'm just kidding" or anything like that.

As she gets more emotional, she will try to ruin things by throwing in logic. She will ask you if you are a player, or if you say this to all the girls, or whatever. The trick is this: Don't take it seriously by giving it some logical answer! That's right...women lose interest if you take them seriously!!! It's crazy but that's how they behave. Just blow it off or misinterpret what she's saying as though she is coming on to you. If you fail these tests, she will be gone so fast your head will spin.

She will start asking you lots of questions. This is what chicks do when they suddenly find themselves attracted to a man they know nothing about. This is your chance to open up a little and also find out more about her and build a deeper connection. You have to do this, or she will flake later (even if you've kissed her!) Women are the worst flakes in the world! Don't make it too easy for her, make her work for it a bit. Then talk about connections and childhood memories and things you have in common, etc. She needs to feel that this is genuine. This is usually the time when I throw in a few fake vulnerabilities, like pretending I'm shy or insecure about something. I know it's fucked up but women need to see that there are at least a few small holes where they can sink their hooks in you. They get uneasy if you are too perfect.

Make sure she gets the feeling that you have standards and that you are judging her based on them. Ask her questions that show her you are checking her out to see if she is up to snuff. Women don't like to feel like you are with them only because you can't do any better. They prefer to feel like you have high standards; you can get any chick you want, but you chose HER because she is SOOOO special and SOOOO different from all the others. Yeah, I know.

Move her to different locations. Take her next door for a drink. Take her across the street to check out some art. The more locations the better.

Take responsibility for every escalation. A woman will do just about anything as long as she doesn't have to feel like it was "her fault." Make it YOUR fault. Make it "just happen." She will rationalize it to herself later using the same bullshit generator that women use to flake out on dates at the last minute. Don't get her horny until you get her isolated. Believe me, emotional is better than horny.

Keep the woman always swinging somewhere between validation and rejection. If she feels rejected, she drops out or gets REALLY MAD. And if she feels too validated, she will ditch you in a heartbeat. So push her away (emotionally) and then pull her back in.

BELIEVE YOUR OWN BULLSHIT. Chicks do not look at your excuses and try to see if they are bullshit or not... because that is the logical thing to do, and chicks are not logical. Rather, what they do is see if YOU seem to believe your own bullshit when you say it. If you look like you do, then chances are, they will believe it too. So the key is to believe your own bullshit, and other aspects about yourself that you want the chick to believe about you too (alpha male..whatever)... because your own self beliefs for some reason will automatically 'impart' to the chick!

One more thing...many guys make the mistake of listening to female romantic advice. Don't listen to them, THEY DON'T KNOW WTF THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT, and they WILL steer you wrong. They will tell you what they THINK they want, instead of what they actually RESPOND to. And furthermore, a large part of the female sexual experience IS the inability to admit these things BECAUSE they derive sexual pleasure from putting up resistance and being overwhelmed. If you do things this way, after a few months practice you WILL get laid like a rock star. The guys who get laid are the ones who know what they are doing, because they have practiced on lots of women. Ironically, women are most attracted to the men who are most likely to fuck them and then dump them on their ass - because those are precisely the men who have so many other options because they practice on lots of women. That's why you always hear women bitching about how men are assholes that only want to fuck them and dump them - because those are the men that they gravitate to.

Women tend to wise up when they get towards their 30s, and they start looking for a nice wimpy beta male to settle down with and pay for all their shit. As they get older, they will get more and more desperate to find this guy. Once they do, they will cheat on him with an exciting fun guy like me. (But who wants to fuck some old chick in her 30's? That's what beta males are for! Heh)

Hey, don't blame me - I didn't make things the way they are. I was just a guy who wanted to get laid. And I do.

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Friday, October 20, 2006

AFC to mPUA: The Top 10 Terms of The Game a Pick-Up Artist Needs to Know

AFC to mPUA: The Top 10 Terms of The Game a Pick-Up Artist Needs to Know by James Brito

"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." -Immanuel Kant

Welcome to the first edition of Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Seduction (But Were Afraid to Ask!). This series is designed to help you expand your wisdom in the world of attraction and seduction. As I said in a previous post, women love men with knowledge, so the more you know, the more powerful you become. Everything associated with wisdom and knowledge-wit, talents, special skills, knowing what women want, etc.-makes you a superior man.

It's my mission to make you a magnet of information, attracting all the positive stuff, repelling all the negative stuff. There's no sense wasting your time with information and emotions that don't make you a superior man (example: the many, many pickup books that are an absolute waste of time). So I'm going to help you attract the information YOU need to know, to get the girls you want! To do that, I'll be sharing my favorite websites for quality information. Here you can learn all the things you should do...and all the things you shouldn't!

The first website you need to know about is: So much of the seduction community is centered around terms, initials, and euphemisms. There's IOI, DHV, negging, cocky funny, inner wuss, ATC, frame control-you name it, there's a term for it. Knowing these terms isn't crucial, but the meaning of the terms themselves is very special knowledge. For example, you don't necessarily need to know that ATC means Artificial Time Constraint, but understanding the concept of only spending a limited time around women before taking off, is invaluable. is a great website for sorting out all the terms.

Enjoy, and remember: Knowledge is only as good as putting into action. Follow the lead of Kahlil Gibran:

"A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle."

Here's just a sample of the informative (and often hilarious) terms found in this website: Definition of...

Love "Often confused with infatuation by adolescents, college students and even supposedly mature people. Love is not the often associated chemical reaction which has similar effects on the brain as cocaine, nor is it the inability to be without that person for a day."

-OMG! I'm sooo in love with Brad Pitt!! -No you're not. You just want his small wang. You don't even know him! -*Cries* No, I will marry him! I'm going to go home and fantasize about him! *Cries and runs away* Definition of...

Kino "The act of making flirtatious physical contact with a person of sexual interest. Generally considered to be a vital tool in one's 'Game Belt.'"

"Hopefully I can get some action by using a little kino on the ladies tonight." Definition of...

Oneitis "Often confused with love, this is the feeling that a particular woman is actually special. This is just an illusion; she is the same as the other three or so billion." 'Go **** ten other women' is the most commonly prescribed treatment for this "disease" (hence the "itis"), as it tends to show quite quickly how very alike people are. In other words, get over yourself and your obsession with that girl, because it's just an illusion. And when you get rejected, don't be depressed. Because there's really not much to worry about."

"Dude, you definitely have oneitis for that girl. You've been talking about her nonstop for the past week. Don't you realize she's nothing special, and that you are just being fooled? Snap out of it so you won't be so depressed when she rejects you!" Definition of...

Neg "A light insult wrapped in the package of a complement. Used by pick-up artists to gain and maintain the attention of women who possess uncommon beauty (9+). These women are immune to standard complements."

The classic neg pua - "you have beautiful nails, are they real?" (9+) -"not really" pua - "Oh, I guess thats still cool" pua - "that's really cute, your nose wiggles when you speak" (9+) -"no it doesn't" pua - "ha ha, there it goes again, sorry, its just really cute" "I just kept tossing neg after neg at that 10 standing by the bar, and she loved it, she was giving me crazy kino" Definition of...

DHV "Noun: Demonstration of Higher Value Verb: Demonstrate Higer Value Presentation that will increase your value in the opinion of your audience."

I related a funny and cocky joke as a DHV. Definition of...

AMOG "Alpha Male Of the Group

A guy that everyone thinks is cool and is always the social center of the room." Bob: Dude, why is everyone crowding arounding that bag of douche? Me: Cause he's a total AMOG Definition of...

Beta Male "An unremarkable, careful man who avoids risk and confrontation. Beta males lack the physical presence, charisma and confidence of the Alpha male."

Pete knew he was losing the girl he'd just met at the bar to the guy who bought her a drink, but he was too much of a beta male to do anything about it. Definition of...

Sarging "Verb; to Sarge.

The act of engaging conversational rapport with a complete stranger. Though tied to the seduction community as the official name for being "on the hunt," the term also applies in business and interpersonal relations, as the act of appearing as a socially versatile and competent person. Credit to Ross Jeffries, who claims to have named the act after his cat."

In seduction: "My wingman and I went sarging last night at club X." other: "The goal in business is to sarge your coworkers as soon as you start working there. It's a quick way to appear competent!" Definition of...

mPUA "Master Pick Up Artist. Used to refer to one who has attained legendary status within the 'Pick Up Artist' community. Originally used to refer solely to Neil Strauss, aka Style. Referenced in Strauss's book 'The Game'." Man Style kept eight girls on the go, he truly is a mPUA.

And now, my personal favorite definition...

Friendship "A method of castrating men without using sharp objects."

From David DeAngelo's article: She looked at him with compassion in her eyes and said "Thank you... I really mean that... but I don't want to mess up our friendship... you're too important to me..."

Now that's something you definitely want to avoid! And if you want to make sure the words "just friends" never enter your eardrums again, visit the place that turns men around the world from "just friends" to "seduction masters":

Triple 0! Because it's your turn!

About the Author
Relationship expert James Brito, author of "How to Be Irresistible to Women" and "The Art of Impressing Women," regularly explores topics of female attraction. Since 2000, he has helped thousands of men around the world build confidence and get the women they deserve. To get his free six-part audio mini-course, go to:

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

How A Pick-Up Artist Approaches Women without Fear

How A Pick-Up Artist Approaches Women without Fear by Dan Tolumbro

Indisputably, the biggest problem that faces the new pick-up artist is anxiety that comes from approaching a woman he desires. There have been quite a few explanations for this, ranging from tribal history that has been implanted in our genes, to societal programming on what is right and wrong for us to do.

Put simply, we just happen to desire social acceptance more than anything else that does not physically keep us alive. We want our family to be proud of us, our friends and acquaintances to respect and include us, and the rest of the world to desire us.

What's the opposite of acceptance? Rejection. And that's what we're afraid of.

I'm going to give you some powerful techniques to eradicate this fear's hold on your life, but before that, I want to discuss the root of this in depth for you.

We're going to call a girl or group not being interested as something other than "rejection" or "getting rejected." After all, you didn't get rejected. Your approach did. If you went in differently, the reaction would have been different. We're going to call it "getting blown out" or a "blow-out." This is because while the set didn't know enough about you to reject you personally, they did express that they wanted to end the interaction.

Your use of words is very important. A good friend of mine is fond of saying, "The first set of the night is always murder." Now if you're equating talking to a girl with someone ending your life, of course you will be more than a little hesitant to make that first approach! Anthony Robbins has set up a whole system on how to use your word choice to better your life. I won't get into it here, but in short, minimize your negative word usage, especially if you're describing something that's necessary for you. If you say "Going to the gym is a royal pain in the ass," you probably won't make it there very often. However, if you say "Getting to the gym consistently is a challenge," it's a lot more likely you'll rise to the occasion. So to sum up, I NEVER want to hear you say "I got rejected."

While word choice is important, a bigger issue that holds the outcome of the set. In other words, you are giving two girls thirty seconds to give a full evaluation of your value as a person and judge you accordingly. That's a lot of power to give someone you've never met before.

There's only three reasons an approach might not go well for me:

1) My game wasn't good enough at this point to handle this particular situation

2) My game was good enough, but I made a mistake in this particular situation

3) There were extenuating circumstances that prevented success, despite that I ran a good set.

That's it. There are no possibilities for why it can go wrong.

In my years in the game, I've met plenty of people that make their living teaching men how to pick-up women. These men pick-up beautiful women right in front of their students, sometimes on video-tape. Some of these guys, if you saw them, would blow your mind because they are not attractive by any standards. They have huge guts, often are balding, sometimes pasty white, and sometimes pretty short and frail. This is a hard thing to accept until you're actually seen this, but you definitely do not need to be good looking to attract women. The point I'm trying to make is:


Your game is the problem; not your looks, not your value. It's completely dependent on your social skill-set.

When Tyler Durden makes an approach that doesn't go well (which does happen even for the masters), he says it affects him as emotionally as if he was shooting hoops and had his hand crooked on the basketball and missed.

So you have basically three options to consider. You may have been socially miscalibrated and messed up a set you could have done well. So you learn from your mistake. It also might have been a too difficult set for you to win at this point in your learning curve. You still get mad props for going for it and you are no doubt better because you did go for it. The people that get great at pick-up constantly approach sets out of their comfort zones, where instant success is unlikely. It might be a go-go dancer swinging around a pole. It may be a beautiful girl surrounded by 7 guys. It may be a celebrity. When you're higher in your learning curve, you'll be able to own that set.

Until then, it's only practice.

A great PUA named Hoobie once said that "Every failure is a brick in my palace." I would change that to "Every approach is a brick in my palace." The latter is more accurate, because every attempt you make at a pickup, it adds to your cumulative experience.

And of course there are situations where the set-up is precarious at best and it is near impossible to actually win the set. If a group of girls are having a girl's night out for a friend who's husband just cheated on her, they're going to be giving her 100% of their attention and putting guys to the side for the night. There's no way you would ever know that, so just be open to the possibility. This is not to say you should excuse yourself every time a set doesn't go well. You can't always say "She must have been married." You still have personal accountability. Just let the possibility that it was an impossible set be open in the back of your mind.

Now here are some specific techniques for consistently getting approaches done each night:

· Make it a MUST that you approach a minimum of 6 sets for the night. That you literally can't leave til you do it. Make it your goal to get blown out 6 times. Yes, no numbers, no lays, just get blown out. That way when you get blown out you're closer to your goal.

· If you have a wing, give him 100 dollars. Have him give you 10 dollars back for each approach you do. At the end of the night, he keeps the leftover cash.

· Make it a point to say some outrageous stuff in approaches, stuff you KNOW won't work. Every third approach or so, I will sometimes use a "fun" approach that I don't' expect to work like going up to a group of girls and saying "Are you ready for the big time?"

· A good exercise from Ross Jeffries is to go to a place like a shopping mall or busy street downtown and stop a girl and say "Excuse me, forgive the interruption. I'm Manny Martian. What is your favorite flavored bowling ball?" Now that's not a pickup attempt, because you were not trying to seduce her. Go do that about 20 times and it should be easier. It may be better to do that one in a major city an hour or so away from where you live for that one.

You have to go BEYOND what a typical approach is before you feel comfortable with a normal approach. Once you say something ridiculous and realize you're still alive and breathing afterwards, you can laugh it off and it's a heck of a lot easier to ask a couple women what their opinion is on something.

· FOR NEWBIES ONLY: When you approach, touch the girls before you start talking. Like tap a shoulder. That instigates the "point of no return" signal that let's you know you're already in the interaction. When you see a set, go 3-2-1, TAP, and then they're looking at you and you have to speak. After doing this for a few weeks though, quickly phase it out since it is NOT solid game for a proper pickup.

· Practice seeing women for as they are and not as the demi-gods we make them out to be in the field. If you see a woman in sexy bitch boots, sparkling eye shadow, and shimmering lipstick, of course all you can think of how absolutely wonderful it would be to kiss her. Now look at her and in your head take the lipstick off, as well as the rest of the make-up, and think of how she looks on laundry day. You don't have to imagine her ugly, but just a bit plainer. That should take it down a notch.

· Lastly, be social in general with women of all shapes and sizes. The more often you talk to women outside of a pick-up session, the more natural it will be to start a conversation with any girl at a bar. Talk to fat, older and unattractive women as well.

You may always feel some jitters your first set of the night, and I know pros who feel that way after 10 years of picking up the most beautiful women. They just plow through despite the initial unpleasant feeling. And thats what a real man does: act in spite of fear, and act in spite of discomfort.

About the Author
[Dan Tolumbro is a dating advice coach for men at At his site he provides free information on how to meet women in bars without fear and how to take it to the next level.]

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The I-Casanova Method for Pick-Up Artists

The I-Casanova Method for Pick-Up Artists by Ken Oboh

For thousands of years in our human history, the art of picking up women remained very much a mystery for men in general.

A few "gifted" guys, being naturally blessed with the skill of picking up women, found it very easy to attract and seduce women.

On the other hand, other guys (including me) had a very hard time getting Any dates with girls.

Fortunately these days, the art of attracting women is no longer a mystery and the skill can now be taught to any man alive, even those with ZERO natural talent.

And you don't even have to be rich, famous or good looking to become a successful "pick up artist."

There are three stages to any successful "pick up."

1) Approach: Never approach a woman with your body fully facing her. This signals far too much interest and you'll give off a desperate "vibe." Instead, try to stand at a slight angle to her body.

Always start the conversation with a comment, question or statement consisting of two qualities: humour and arrogance.

For example, you meet a girl you find attractive at a bookstore. You decide to pick her up by teasing her for just looking but not buying any books.

You could say "I couldn't help but notice that we've both been in this section for a while now. I didn't think beautiful women used my little old trick of reading entire books in bookstores for free while pretending to just check them out.

I thought only guys like me did that to avoid giving our money to the greedy bookstore owners. I'd rather give it to my greedy landlord instead."

2) Building Trust: The aim of this stage is to get a woman feeling that she can trust you enough to get physically "intimate" with you.

You do this through the art of story-telling. What type of stories? Any story that shows your sensitive human side.

For example, how you just lost your dear pet dog Buster, that you've had since you were ten years old. Or how you once helped a stranger while on holiday by protecting them from some local thugs.

By telling stories like this, she would feel like she's known you for years even if she only just met you.

When you do this correctly, you dramatically speed up the process of having An intimate physical relationship with her. If you don't do this right you could end up having to take her out on countless dates before you even kiss her.

3) Seduction: This is where you "close the deal" so to speak in a pick up situation. Women usually feel "cheap" if they get physical with a guy too soon in a relationship.

So the key to seduction is to use playful "physical" games to distract her from feeling "slutty." This will also give her an excuse to feel okay being touched by you.

Palm reading is probably the best thing you can do here. Start by taking her hand in yours and playfully reading it.

Then progress to playing other games that involves her elbows, shoulders, lips and other body parts.

So learn some games and apply them in your seduction. Just be sure you do it very slowly, don't just jump from the hands to the face. The key to success is to move to each new stage very "gradually."

These are just a few of my top tips I use and teach other men to use every day in order to become "modern day Casanova" seducers.

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Ken Oboh has Created The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide Exposing The "Forbidden Secrets" To Meet & Seduce Your Ideal Woman, Anytime, Anywhere! These Secrets Will Work For ANY Man Even If He's Got No Money, No Good Looks And No Confidence Approaching Women.

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About the Author
Ken Oboh, a.k.a. I-Casanova, is a self confessed "modern day" Casanova. His extensive experience in meeting and dating women forms the basis for all that he teaches to men looking to improve their ability to seduce the women of their dreams. Author of the I-Casanova "forbidden secrets" of seduction, Ken's guidance is crucial to all men in today's sexually dynamic society.

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

BOOK REVIEW - The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

BOOK REVIEW by James Brito: Neil Strauss's The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

A story about a guy who knows next to nothing about girls, then not only meets a secret society of pick-up artists who teach him how to score loads of beautiful women, but also becomes THE master pick-up artist himself, who both his students and his teachers go to for tips on how to deal and score with women. Sounds great, doesn't it? The best part about it is, It's true, and documented in Neil Strauss' excellent book, "The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists"

If you've ever heard of Neil Strauss before, this book provides a fascinating account of what made him Syle, his seduction society pseudonym. And if you have never heard of him, this book will make you WANT to know who he is. Not only does he provide a fascinating look into the many methods of gaining women's attention--and phone numbers, and panties--but describes in detail the crazy characters who make up this "society of pick-up artists", as well.

What's great about this book, as opposed to all the other ones out there for horny guys wanting to get laid, is the way it's set up. It's not a lesson-by-lesson tome detailing "forbidden" methods of "tricking" women into going to bed with you. It's actually more of one man's personal account of the frustrations and victories of dealing with women. You learn your lessons, as Strauss learns his own. It's a description of one man's journey from master loser, to master seductor. And you can benefit from the knowledge Strauss shares, first-hand, in thrilling detail.

It all starts with Strauss' account of growing up "far from attractive," and far from satisfied with his sex life. All it took to change that was a call from a book editor, asking Strauss to take the mysterious "Layguide" that existed on the Internet, and turn it into a "coherent how-to book". Though hesitant at first, Strauss finds himself curious--and you the reader curious, as well. While investigating this patchwork of notes on how to get busy, he finds himself delving into a world he--nor the majority of people out there-hardly knew existed...and becoming one of the biggest parts of it. As he writes, "If the layguide had never crossed my path, I, like most men, would never have evolved in my thinking about the opposite sex." But thanks to discovering it, Style began his journey of transformation from single loser to a guy commanding thousands for his seduction services and advice.

Along the way, he discovers a host of crazy characters and all their "unique" (to say the least!) methods: Mystery and the Mystery Method; Tyler Durden and Papa, and Real Social Dynamics; David DeAngelo and Double Your Dating; Ross Jeffries and Neurolinguistic Programming. There's also a range of guys with interesting pseudonyms of their own: Thundercat, Jlaix, Herbal, Jughead. It's hard not to laugh as you come across some of these crazy characters and their interesting methods of creating attraction: 3-second ATCs, going "kino", negging. It's funny enough to hear what these methods are; learning about what they are as revealed by the various characters, makes the book often hysterical.

What I find best about "The Game" is the way it's described as a journey. As I've said before in my posts, life really is a journey, and so is the whole process of becoming a better lover. Style's way of teaching us his lessons isn't academic, point-by-point lessons. It's through describing his growth, and letting you grow (and laugh, and groan) with him. If you want to learn what IOIs, 3-sets, negs, ATCs, and peacocking all are, you don't have to play "The Game". Just read it!

Get your copy of The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists today.

About the Author
James Brito, author of "How to Be Irresistible to Women," makes it easy to attract and build honest relationships with the women you want. To receive your free 6-part audio mini-course, please visit:

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. Becoming a Pick-Up Artist Is Easy When You Know How!

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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Mastering Seduction: How to Stop Being a Nice Guy

Mastering Seduction: How to Stop Being a Nice Guy

By: Matthias Mazur

One of the worst nightmares for a guy when it comes to seducing and dating women is falling in the trap of being a “nice guy”. Although you must always treat a woman with respect and dignity, it’s absolutely vital you do not become another “nice guy” around women.

So what exactly is a “nice guy”?

Well, a nice guy is a regular guy, a good guy.

To cut to the chase, nice guys don’t have a clue about what they’re doing.

- They buy roses on every other date they get with a new girl.
- They try to earn her affections by getting her presents and fancy things.
- They think they’re romantic and poetic, but all they are is pretty lame.
- They don’t have the good momentum, and get put in the “friends” box.
- They’re so desperate to please women that they put their own personal needs (time alone,
time with friends, etc) away, placing the girl on a pedestal.
- Nice guys don’t just appreciate a girl, they worship her.

But more importantly, nice guys are nice because deep down, they feel insecure.

And who wants to be dating an insecure guy?

Okay so here’s the big question: how do you get a girl to pay attention to you, when there are literally billions of other guys on the planet?

Well, start by being unusual. Unusual in an enchanting way.
You have to be desirable.
Make them wanting more.
Never give them what they want, especially not when you’re trying to seduce them.
And for God’s sakes, STOP buying gifts on every other occasion.

Here’s one of the best strategies: let her have a peak and shut the door.


You get the idea.

Picture Will Smith, in the “Hitch” movie.
In the bar scene, he approaches Eva Mendes in the coolest way possible, and blows away the guy to whom she was talking to just before.
Will takes a seat, and has a light chat with Eva, and you can see she’s interested.
They talk for a couple of minutes, and just at the peak of the conversation, Will Smith gets up and leaves.
And you can see Eva getting up and looking in the direction where he left. She was definitely interested, and the rest of the movie proves it well.

Now let’s analyze that great little scene.

You can see that Will Smith obviously knows what he’s doing.

He doesn’t ask her phone number directly, he patiently waits for her to get interested.
He acts and talks differently than most other guys, and that gets Eva intrigued.

And just at the moment when he feels she’s finally taken off her built-in radar, he leaves her.
And that’s exactly what you need to do. A lot of guys get good things going by having a good conversation, but after a while that conversation becomes lame and by the time they ask her number, she’s already gone, maybe not physically, but mentally.

Let other guys do the talking, let other guys buy expensive gifts, let other guys sink their own ships by being too nice and too cheap with women. Don’t do the same mistakes that thousands of guys do when seducing women.

It’s all about the attitude. Display the right attitude (stop being a nice guy) to build your way to more success with women, and smile when you see guys behaving like ass-kissers around women. Ass-kissers become friends. Confident guys (non-nice-guys) become daters.

Matthias Mazur has developed a brand-new system for men who want more success in their dating lives. It is a complete resource to seduce, date, and keep any woman you want, even if you’ve never been on a date before or you’ve been rejected and dumped in the past. Check out his site at to download your *free* report about "How To Avoid The 10 Killer Mistakes That Destroy Your Success With Women".

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. It's Easy When You Know How!

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