Friday, September 22, 2006

Online Dating Blunders - The Top 10 Mistakes Men Make When Contacting Women Online

Online Dating Blunders - The Top 10 Mistakes Men Make When Contacting Women Online by Dan and Jennifer

Here are the top ten things that you should avoid when
contacting women online. This will be the most important online
dating and relationship advice that you read all year.

Mistake #1: Sending her 'just' a wink

Most internet dating sites let you send "winks" or
"show interest" for free. But what does this say to her about
you? When that really hot girl gets your wink, she sees a guy
that's not serious about wanting to contact her and too cheap to
fork over the $20 membership fee.

What a wonderful way to start off a relationship... Not!

She also knows that a wink is an easy "cop-out". Anyone can
scroll through hundreds of online profiles and wink at
everything that moves. So, from her perspective, why should she
spend time on you when there are dozens of guys taking the time
to send her real messages every day?

Mistake #2: Not having a recent QUALITY photo in your profile

This one should be easy, but the fact is, most men do not upload
their photo. The statistics on this one are very clear. Profiles
with photos get 10 times more looks than those without; and
profiles with QUALITY photos get 4 times more looks than
profileswith poor photos.

Let me ask you... When you log on to a dating site and search,
don't you search for women with photos in their profile first?
Why would she be any different? Many women will assume that you
have something to hide if you won't post your photo - like maybe
your wife...

If you don't like your photo, have a professional one made.
Thereare many professional photo services that do nothing but
create great photos for your online dating profile.

If you want to stand a chance against the other guys out there,
upload a good quality photo. Oh, one more extremely important
note - make sure that you upload a RECENT photo. Nothing is more
disappointing than to meet someone and realize that the picture
they sent you was 20 years and 40 pounds ago!

Mistake #3: Sending a message with a boring subject

Fact #1: Guys out number girls by at least two to one on most
online dating sites and that's a conservative number.

Fact #2: Good looking girls get dozens of winks and messages in
any given day

You can have the most awesome profile and you can send her the
most intriguing message, but she may never see it because you
failed to capture her interest with the subject of your email.

Give her a reason to open your message first! It has to stand
outamong all the others, or it has a high chance of getting
deleted and never read. Spend just as much time crafting an
intriguing subject line as you do in writing the rest of your

Ask her a question or specifically reference some
detail in her profile so that she will know you actually read it
and are truly interested in more than just her looks.

Mistake #4: Sending her a vague, generic or otherwise lame

So you took the effort to become a paying member of a dating
site, and want to make the most of your membership. But then
you came up with a standard boilerplate message, and you quickly
copied and pasted it to dozens of girls. Go you! At least that's
what you think...

Ok, reality check. Women like to feel special and important.
They can smell a lame form message a mile away, and the delete
button is always close at hand. So, why not take a different
approach? Actually read her entire profile (we know it's
painful, but do it anyway!), learn everything you can about her,
and then send her an insightful, personal message.

Remember, you're messaging her and she needs to feel that she is
the only girl in the entire world that you are interested in.
Keep your messages fairly short and concise. Compliment or make
reference to some thing or things you found interesting in her

Then, conclude each message with a "clear call to action".
Always be friendly and polite, but tell her what you would like
her to do next. Don't leave her wondering. An example is "talk
to you soon" or "drop me a line".

Mistake #5: Taking too long to respond to her message

With all the buzz around the seduction and "pick up artist"
community these days, many guys are afraid of scaring women
away by appearing too eager or desperate. So they get her
message and then wait... and wait... and wonder when it's "ok"
to answer her.

Let's clear this up. Responding promptly is not a bad thing.
It will likely help you stand out from the other dozen guys that
messaged her today. Like most opportunities in life, you're far
better off striking while the iron's hot. Get over it and
message her back. In fact, do it while she's still logged on.

Forget the "head games" and be yourself. Women are attracted to
confident men who are comfortable in their own skin. Be yourself
and you'll be fine!

Mistake #6: Asking for her personal information too soon

So you messaged this really great looking girl, and she
responded with a basic "Hi" message. Now what? You want her real
email address, her phone number, her work number, or better yet
her address so you can go there now, right?

Stop! Asking her for ANY personal information in your first
messages is a quick way to kill the relationship before it
starts. Think of two dogs approaching each other...
what do they do? They approach slowly and cautiously, and
proceed to sniff each other. Why do they do this? They're
getting to know each other. People are the same in many

Don't scare her off. Take it slow and let her get to know you
before requesting personal information.

Mistake #7: Making sexual innuendos in your first message

Yes, she's really hot and yes her profile seems flirty and
sexual... So you think it's OK to be overtly sexual when you try
to contact her, WRONG! Unless you're on or
other adult site, sexual innuendos are unlikely to help you.
They'll most likely torpedo any chances you might have had with
her. So don't do it.

Mistake #8: Sending her money or a credit card number

Yes, the ever popular Nigerian (or whatever country is in on it
this month) money scam. Social networking sites, including online
dating sites, are plagued by scammers. And guys you know are
falling for it every day...

Remember, the whole "if it sounds too good to be true" idea
stillstands! If your online profile is really bad, and all of a
sudden a girl strangely resembling a supermodel emails you and
promises to make all your dreams come true, take it slow. And DO
NOT send money or other financial information to make her come to

Mistake #9: Checking out her "really hot" nude photos on her
personal website

The ever popular "cam girl" phenomenon is surprising scores of
new men on a daily basis. So, what's a "cam girl?" Well, let's
say you're searching profiles on
and run across this great looking girl. She looks friendly,
approachable, and is wearing a highly suggestive outfit. To make
it better, her profile has a link to her "private website" where
you can "see more of her".

What luck! So you click on that link, and to your surprise, you
have to "verify your age by providing a credit card number".
Hmm. If you want to browse an adult site, then proceed and
enjoy.But recognize this for what it is - often a teenage high
school male pretending to be a really hot girl in order to make
money by sending happy surfers (read: you) to a pay-per-view
adult site.

Mistake #10: Not knowing what you really want

The last blunder is actually by far the most important one...

Put simply, most guys use the shotgun approach to dating and
hope to hit something, anything. Then they wonder why they're
not happy with the women they meet. Not exactly the best
approach for the most important aspect of your life, is it?

Before you join ANY online dating site, take a step back and
figure out exactly what you're looking for... What type of woman
do you really want to meet today? That way you don't waste your
time messaging a really great looking 'single mom' when you know
full well that you don't want children. If you are an
outdoorsman, you probably don't want to spend time messaging a
woman that tells you in her profile that she is allergic to the
sun. (Yet another reason to actually read her profile.)

It will be well worth your time to understand what you're really
looking for!

Copyright 2006, - All rights reserved
About the Author

Authors and Online Dating Insiders -- Dan and Jennifer -- reveal the secrets to finding love online at
This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. It's Easy When You Know How!

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