Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Art Of Seduction By Conversation

The Art Of Seduction By Conversation: Using ‘the Add-on Principle’ To Get The Girl

By: Rachel Davis -

Persuasion is a universally recognisable component of our society. You see people influencing others everywhere you go: women trying to talk themselves out of speeding tickets, salesmen attempting to convince a potential buyer that a product’s for them, defence attorneys arguing that their client is innocent – persuasion is everywhere, used by all of us, all the time.

Somewhere it’s especially noticeable (and vital, if you want to be successful) is in the game of attraction and seduction. For a man to pick-up a girl – that is: find, approach, talk to her and arrange to take it further – he MUST understand and be able to use persuasive psychology. And it’s that fact many men are surprised by when they hear it – that being successful with women isn’t a God given talent or a roll of the dice; it’s a skill like anything else. Today you’re going to learn a little about that skill. We’re going to look at a special persuasive psychological technique that, when used, massively increases your chances with the ladies. It’s called ‘The Add-On Principle’.

Picture the scene: You’ve got talking to a girl and been chatting for a little while. You can tell she’s enjoying the conversation and think that she’s quite attracted to you, too. You decide you’d like to make something happen with this girl and see her again real soon but you aren’t sure of the best way to go about making that a reality. You don’t want to ruin the positive dynamic that you’ve worked so hard to create and you definitely don’t want to scare her off or get rejected. So, what can you do? Well, first of all, what do most guys do when they’re in this situation? I’ll tell you, they take one of three routes:

Route #1: CLICHÉD NUMBER REQUEST. The first route has been taken so many millions of times in the past that it’s nowadays almost an act of parody – it’s asking the girl for her number. Taking this route is, 9 times out of 10, a Plan B at best. When you ask a girl for her number you not only give her control of the situation (which means she can very easily say no or slip you a phoney number), you also highlight that moment of the conversation as what it really is: an attempt at picking her up. When she realises this, she’s turned off. No girl likes the idea of being picked-up because it seems sleazy and dangerous. For a girl to allow herself to be picked up, it must feel natural and unforced.

Route #2: GOING FOR IT. This route’s most often taken at night, in bars, clubs and parties – namely because the availability of alcohol makes this option seem a good idea. ‘Going for it’ means a guy will try to kiss the girl or cop a feel a little while after talking to her. Perhaps he’ll do it while they dance or as the venue is closing and they’re leaving. Again, it’s a bad idea because it makes the girl feel used and not in control.

Route #3: BOTTLING IT. This option, quite simply, involves choking at the last second – being unable to go through with a ‘closer’. The conversation’s gone great but the guy just doesn’t feel confident enough to propose meeting up again or something along those lines. As you can imagine, taking this route is a bad idea in regards to being successful with women.

So what do you do? The three routes above are bad, so what route can you take? Well, it goes without saying that you HAVE to run the risk of using a ‘closer’ if you want to see the girl again. Therefore, your goal is to make your offer – in whatever form it might take – seem like a natural, obvious, fun option for the girl to take. To achieve this, you should justify what you’re suggesting with a REASON you should both do it. For example: “Let’s swap numbers so we can talk about that book we both like.” Or, “We should get a coffee or hot chocolate some time, because I know a great little place that’s just opened and think you’d really like it.” When you follow up an offer (such as swapping numbers or going for a coffee) with a reason for doing it (to talk about something or because you know a nice little new place) you make the offer seem ATTRACTIVE and a NATURAL thing for the girl to say yes to. This is the essence of ‘The Add-On Principle’. When you employ it, try to always use the words “So” and “Because.” Our minds, when we hear these words, associate them with good reasons, they back things up for us in our heads. You can use this principle any time you want a suggestion you’ve made to a girl to be accepted and agreed to. For example: “Shall we go over and look at the jukebox, so we can put on some tunes we both like?” You’re taking away any hard work the girl needs to do in deciding whether or not she wants to go ahead with what you’re suggesting, simply because you’ve already given her a valid, natural-sounding reason to say “YES!”

Try it…you’ll be amazed at the results.

Rachel Davis is the author of Conversation-King, a guide that teaches men how to attract and seduce women by mastering the art of verbal communication. Get more conversation tips and advice from

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. It's Easy When You Know How!

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The eight types of Anti-PUA.

The eight types of Anti-PUA.

By: Renegade

If you're reading this, it's very likely you've read "The Game," by Neil Strauss. You may have explored some of the techniques/personalities in the book, put together some routines of your own and maybe joined your local lair. What's next? This article will highlight the 8 types of Anti-PUA as originally introduced by Robert Greene in his classic tome, "The Art of Seduction."

The Game was a great book and a turning point in the seduction community. In a few short weeks, the community went from being underground to common knowledge. Neil Strauss was interviewed on everything from The View to Jimmy Kimmel and the seduction gurus such as Tyler/Papa, Mystery, Ross Jeffries, David DeAngelo and Juggler found a new legion of followers.

I think it's great Neil wrote the book and made a million dollars. I think it's great more men now know about using a strategy when dealing with women, yet I think it downright sucks that more wasn't said about the 8 types of anti-PUA. As a result, many guys run game with arrogance and belligerence rather than confidence. This is not being a PUA. This is being a person who is unlikely to ever be seductive. How many of these types resonate with you?

The brute is completely self-absorbed. He considers his pleasure only and women are merely a means to that end. He is incredibly impatient and will bully and otherwise intimidate to reach an outcome. His massive ego hides deep inferiority and he over reacts at the slightest inconvenience.

Described as "one-itis" in the community, instantly deciding she is the one he has to be with is the trademark of the suffocator. He experiences an endless need that no woman can ever fill. He drives women away when they sense his clinginess and then uses guilt and trauma to torture them into showing him attention. He fails to realize that real love takes time and effort to nurture - not 2 coffee dates and 3 emails.

Unwavering, rigid and a slave to his own standards, the moralizer fails to realize that seduction is fun and something to be enjoyed. His values are a by product of his own unhappiness and he takes great pleasure in nit picking and being critical of the women around him. His aim is to change women to his inflexible way of thinking and dominate them. This is the type who insists his girlfriend cease working as a stripper once they are together.

The tightwad is the poster child of the anti-seducer. He reflects an underlying aversion to any form of risk. This constipated personality manifests itself with money, for he is also very cheap. He views his pathetic gifts as being immensely generous and yet fails to realize that giving more of himself and his money would make him more seductive. However, too much generosity is just as bad - it appears pathetic and no one likes to think they are being bought.

If boldness attracts, then the bumbler certainly repels. So preoccupied with himself, the bumbler exists in a state of heightened anxiety. Self-conscious about every detail, he only has the effect of making others uncomfortable and anxious about their own issues. He constantly worries - about how things are going, about how things will end and will ruin whatever chances he has. To reverse this type requires a lot of inner work.

During the initial stages of a seduction, the PUA must build comfort and trust (rapport) with the woman. We do this through sharing stories, however the windbag fails to realize when it is time to listen to what she has to say. He is laden with the most intense selfishness known. Only the person who cares exclusively about himself lacks the insight to stop and think of his effect on a listener. He also sees an interjection as a challenge and becomes even more determined to bore others into submission.

Like a 7 year old child, the reactor is overly sensitive and highly likely to whine and complain. He pores over every word, searching for any sleight to his ego. He is unable to laugh at himself and any attempt to make light of something he has done will be met with eyes filled with simmering resentment. He takes himself far too seriously and this ultimately repels women.

An attentive nature, tact and decorum are vital to the effective seducer; the vulgarian has none of these. He is unable to control himself and lives at the mercy of his impulses. He displays a certain tastelessness in the way he dresses and has no social intelligence, often saying inappropriate things. He lacks discretion and frequently speaks about the intimate details of his affairs with women. All this is fuelled by a windbag like selfishness where he is unable to even contemplate how others may see him.

If you're honest with yourself, there will be an element of all 8 types that resonates with you. Depending on where you are starting from, removing these from your personality will take some time, because you should never forget, we are changing our entire psychology. Make the choice to stop being insecure and self-absorbed. Take the time to calibrate the other person and become self-aware by noticing when you are being a pest or imposing on a group or simply talking excessively. A woman wants to meet a fun, engaging, charismatic man, not his antithisis, the Anti-PUA.

Renegade writes for and is dedicated to mastering the art of Seduction. He believes that knowledge inspires confidence, confidence inspires action and the more action you take, the more powerful you will become.

This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. It's Easy When You Know How!

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Is She Open?

Is She Open?

By: G Notte -

Do you think that whether a girl likes you or not is a matter of some magical connection or "luck"? Well, it is. But the good news is that you can learn to use this to your advantage.

There is no pickup artist who can seduce every woman. It's impossible. Some women are in love with their men; some are still hurting after a rough breakup and aren't ready for a new relationship; and others are just not in the mood.

THE MOOD. This is more important than you'd think. While we men are controlled by our logic - and also that "little" brain down there ;) - women are controlled by their periods. It's just how nature has wired them - after all, they need to be able to give birth to and nurture a child. The problem for you is that such periods are unpredictable.

I'll bet you've experienced this: You meet a girl, and she's all happy, smiling and receptive to what you have to say. The next day, the same girl rejects you and is very unfriendly. What's going on?

The secret I'm going to share with you about this perplexing - but common - situation is VERY simple. Upon meeting a man, a girl is either OPEN to him or NOT. All of this happens within the first few SECONDS of meeting her. And by glancing in her eyes, you can learn to recognize whether she's interested in you or not. This can save you from wasting your energy on girls you wouldn't be able to seduce that day anyway.

I have good news and bad news on this subject. The bad news is that you can't seduce all the girls out there. If she's not open to you, you're knocking on the wrong door. The good news is that since girls are controlled by mysterious periods, one day she might be closed toward you - and the next day, she can just as easily be open.

For example, if I meet a girl for the first time and realize that she's in a closed state, I don't really bother with her. Then a few days later, upon meeting the same girl, she's suddenly in an open state. After that, it's ON!

You see, whether you score with a woman or not is determined by two simple things: her state and YOUR ATTITUDE.

Even if she's open, you need to learn how NOT TO FUCK IT UP with her. And this requires a special attitude, the attitude of a real Man.

How do you know her state, you might ask? This is visible within the first few seconds of meeting her - how she looks at you, how she behaves. It's not easy to recognize, but with a little practice, you can learn this skill.

My suggestion is that you take a close look at how other men interact with women. Trust me - you're wearing blinders when it comes to being objective about interacting with women. If you try to learn to recognize her state of openness from your interactions with her, you won't get a clear picture. But if you take a look at how women in general respond to other men, you'll soon learn to recognize your woman's particular state.

When you learn to recognize her state and acquire the right attitude, nothing can stop you from getting hot women. Even your looks won't matter - as long as you take reasonable care of yourself and don't neglect the basics, you'll always have new girls on the go.

With this simple method, you'll know which doors to knock on, and you can avoid rejection and desperation. If she isn't open, you'll know in the first few seconds and you'll be able to move on. Even if only 20 percent of the girls you approach are receptive, you'll still get plenty of the kinds of women you want.

As I mentioned earlier, learning to recognize her state isn't enough in and of itself. You need to develop the right attitude as well. If you want a simple roadmap to a Manly attitude, I suggest you check out my e-book, ALL ABOUT WOMEN. It speaks volumes about women and the motivation behind their actions, and it will show you how to be a real Man, how and where to approach women and how to get from saying "Hi!" to shagging her in no time. Ready to take the first step?
This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. It's Easy When You Know How!

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Mastering Your First Impression

A Guide to Mastering Your First Impression

By: Stephen Nash

How many times have you heard the expression, “You never get a second chance at a first impression?”

This is true whether you like it or not. From the moment a person first meets you, they form strong assumptions based solely on the way you look and present yourself. I realize that this negates all of those wonderful things you have going for you on the inside. But the reality is, my friend, a person meets the outside first – THEN the inside…

In my experience, when a person first meets you, you will be slotted into one of three categories:

1) Your impression is average (this is probably most of you). People will not form a strong impression of you. There is potential for you to be forgotten and fade into the crowd of everyone else. However, you are deemed suitable for continued interaction. Hopefully you can make up for lost ground in the long-run.

2) You make a negative impression. The person who you have just met decides to keep communication with you at a minimum. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to build a relationship with this person.

3) You make strong first impression. Wherever you go, people take notice. You are admired and looked upon as a valuable contact. At this point, people will work for your attention.

Stop. Imagine walking into a room and meeting yourself for the first time. Which category would you put yourself into?

If you’re not in that third category, you’re not doing enough. Why shortchange yourself?

We consistently meet guys who have great personalities and have a lot going for them. These guys have a lot to offer women, but they simply have no idea how to present that in a powerful, attractive way. Mastering this would instantly help them feel better about themselves, and would fill them with confidence…dramatically increasing their likelihood of success!

First impressions are basically formed through three basic channels, they are: clothing, body language, and vocal tonality.

Do you want to make good first impressions? Do you want women to notice you, approach you, and even chase you? Want to have a successful career and social life? If so, then pay attention to these three things... and own the power of your first impression!

The good news is that these three qualities are easily improved and you can start working on them immediately.

The first thing to get a hold of is your style of dress and grooming. This is one area where you can really hit the cover off the ball. Take a look at my 25 points. Here I fully cover the basics for getting this area solved.

25 Points of Great Grooming and Style

1) Notice how long it takes women to get ready, consider how much time they spend on looking good for you. How long do you spend getting ready to go out? 15 min, maybe? Take some extra time and really put some effort into looking good, people will take notice.

2) Pick and choose which trends to follow. You don’t want to be too trendy or else you’ll end up looking like a fashion victim, however you should be on top of what’s current and new so that you can be selective with incorporating certain trends into your look.

3) Go to a department store and test out at least a dozen colognes. Instead of spraying them on tester paper, which won’t give you a good idea of how they really smell on your skin, ask for samples… most guys don’t know that they will give you free samples; take them home and try them out. Pick the one that suits you best.

4) Get at least one expensive haircut. The stylist will cut your hair according to the bone structure of your face, accentuating your best features. Remember the style so that it can be duplicated later on buy a less expensive place.

5) If you wear a sport coat or suit, pay close attention to how long the sleeves are; there should always be a half inch of shirt sticking out from under the cuff. This is a $10 alteration that could make your suit look custom made.

6) Make sure that all your clothes work with each other; try to have a common theme throughout. You don’t want to look like an urban cowboy one day and a DJ the next.

7) Go to a tailor today and have him take your correct measurements - put this on the back of a business card, and carry with you everywhere, it will come in handy when buying clothes, especially over the internet.

8) Work on building all parts of your wardrobe; make sure that you spend as much effort dressing casually as you do formally.

9) Keep you eyebrows in control, absolutely no unibrows, and if they are too bushy get them thinned out. Go to a salon if you have to.

10) Buy grooming products that are specific to you. Moisturizer if you have dry skin, deep cleaning shampoo if you have oily hair, etc…

11) No nose hairs ever. Trim these daily if necessary - this is an absolute MUST…second in importance only to having good breath.

12) Always make sure your belt and shoes match. If they are both leather, they must match up. Have at least one brown belt and one black. This is one of the indisputable rules in dressing for men.

13) Try layering up your clothing. Take a look at fashion ads and notice how the models are always wearing two or more layers. The more layers you wear, the more put together and sophisticated you will look. Wear up to 4 layers, with a tie or scarf counting as one layer.

14) Buy a pair of well made shoes and make sure you don’t skimp in this area. A great pair will last you for at least 5 years. In the long run you will actually save money because you won’t have to replace them every 6 months. Keep them well polished at all times.

15) Buy at least one sport coat in a versatile color such as charcoal or navy; better yet get one custom made. There are endless combinations you can do with this item. You can dress it down with a pair of jeans or dress it up with a pair of slacks and tie.

16) Buy at least one suit that you’d never be able to wear to work, something cool and stylish. Maybe it has a colorful pinstripe or is made out of a more casual fabric. You want at least one of these to wear out on the town and at parties. This will really make you stand out as being well dressed.

17) Try dressing down items that are more formal. Pair a luxurious fabric like velvet with well-worn denim. The contrasting pieces will create an intriguing look.

18) Fill your wardrobe with high quality classics items that won’t go out of style. For example, a leather jacket, a navy blazer, and a pair of good quality jeans.

19) The only jewelry a man should have is a nice watch and perhaps a wedding ring when the time is right. We’re against the whole earrings on men thing unless you are in a band…Also, avoid gold and diamonds or you’ll end up looking like a rapper - unless, of course, you ARE a rapper.

20) Avoid wearing black dress shoes. It’s not that we have anything against black shoes, it’s just that they always look better in a darker brown color; they are more stylish too. For the ultimate, try Cordovan (horsehide) leather shoes. They have a deep, rich color that only gets better with age. Cordovan leather was originally used to make army boots because it is so indestructible.

21) If you’re a khakis kind of guy, go out and buy some jeans; you need to mix it up and go for something more casual. Likewise, if you’re a jeans guy, go out and buy some dressier pants, perhaps a pair of corduroys or chinos.

22) Manicure - 1 x per week (do it yourself); for both toenails and fingernails - be sure your fingernails are clean and trimmed at all times. A woman will look at your nails before she looks at what brand your watch is.

23) Invest in a classic tuxedo that will never go out of style. Make sure it has peaked lapels and is one or two button. You will stand out from the crowd of guys who rent. Renting is a waste of money in the long run.

24) Always make sure you have good breath. A great way to make sure of this is to buy a tongue scraper and always wash with antiseptic mouthwash. Nothing is a bigger turn-off than bad breath.

25) Last but not least, never talk about how much effort you put into shopping, grooming, looking good, etc. Make it appear as if you do all of this effortlessly, be almost secretive about it. Brush off compliments with… “oh how nice of you to notice…”

The second is body language. What does yours communicate about you?

Do you project power and confidence? Why not?

Keep your head held high, looking people in the eye at all times. Always hold your gaze a second longer if you happen to make eye contact.

Never look down and away if someone addresses you or is the slightest bit intimidating. This is a sign of weakness. Pay attention to this, and eliminate this negative habit.

Can you even picture someone as dominant as Arnold Schwarzenegger or JFK doing this? Not in a million years!

Another trait men like this have in common is all their movement is deliberate and confident.

You’d never see a powerful CEO making erratic gestures like biting his nails, fidgeting, or using broad hand movements to articulate his speech. Stay calm, cool, and collected.

Avoid doing these things: always placing your hands in your pockets, constantly fixing your hair, tugging at your collar, checking your watch every minute, and scratching.

Be precise as a lab scientist when using body language.

Lastly, your voice. Do you stutter in situations where there is the slightest bit of pressure? Or do you project a manly, confident tone delivered slowly and smoothly.

A weak voice is a certain sign of low self-esteem. Speak up and make yourself heard!

When making a first impression, remember to smile. This helps your vibe become friendly, confident and approachable. People are more likely to want to talk to you if they sense they will be received well.

With the combination of improving these three small areas, you will be well on your way to success.
This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. It's Easy When You Know How!

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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Dating Tips For Men: When A Girl Wants You To Approach Her

Dating Tips For Men: When A Girl Wants You To Approach Her by Giuseppe Notte

Walking down the street, you usually feast your eyes on the hot ladies going by and say to yourself: "I'd do her!" Has it ever come to your mind that men are not alone with this? Yes, my friend, women do the same!

During your everyday life, whether you are on the underground, walking in the local shopping center or dancing in your favorite club, girls will notice and measure you the same way. They might not say, "I'd do him", but they can be open to meeting you and going further.

Most guys live their everyday life and never notice when a woman is eyeing them. But what if you approached her? Just think how many of these opportunities to meet a wonderful girl have you lost in the past! Countless to say at least.

Here are a few examples. A girl coming in front of you who looks deep into your eyes and smiles is giving you a sign of interest. When you are on the bus and a certain girl maintains her proximity to you (even if you sit or stand somewhere else) is showing a sign of interest. Maybe you can notice with your peripheral sight that a girl is looking at you from time to time. Or the girl sitting next to you fixes her hair, puts on some make-up or does something to get your attention.

Most of these women are waiting for you to make your move! Even though it's sometimes unconscious for them as well, if you got the signs right she will be SURE to respond to you positively.

If you've got the courage to meet some wonderful girls this way, I will share my secret. This is a secret some authors are selling for hell a lot of $$$s, and if I give it to you, you will have to make a promise. You MUST promise to try it AT LEAST ONCE, otherwise close this window and go to RIGHT NOW! Deal?

OK. So you chose to stay with me. Don't forget your word! The following approach requires balls, but it also works like charm. In certain situations when you are pressed by time and you see a women giving you signs of interest (like those mentioned above), go up to her with a big smile on your face and say:

"Hi. You look like somebody I should get to know, but I'm in a hurry right now. Still, I don't want to pass such a wonderful opportunity to meet someone like you. I'd like to see you again at a place where we could talk and get to know each other."

It is very important to SMILE and come off casually and non-threatening. Like when you bump into a friend you haven't seen for a long time. If you interpreted her body language well, and she really gave you an invitation to approach her, she will agree to meet again. So after she recovers from the initial (positive) shock, simply ask for her number, then smile and carry on with whatever you were doing.

One more thing: recognizing these signs is not easy if you have never done it before. So don't be afraid to practice and don't be scared if you get rejected at times. After all the girl you approach doesn't even know YOU, she can only reject a stranger, not your real self. You see, it's very important not to take anything personally.

Finally, if you are interested in improving your success with women and learning more tips and tricks of the trade, check out my e-book called "All About Women: The Encyclopedia Of Seduction". In my book, I cover each step of the seduction process, from A to the Z. From understanding the way women think, to learning to be a Man who attracts girls with his presence, the ins and outs of approaching women, secrets of making your dates successful, improving your sexual life and a lot, lot more... Whether you are ugly, bald, young, old or broke, the techniques I teach will work for you like charm!

About the Author
Giuseppe Notte has created "All About Women", the ultimate guide on turning YOU, the average guy, into a sex-magnet who gets the most beautiful girls - whether you are fat, ugly, bald, young or broke!
This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. It's Easy When You Know How!

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Online Dating Blunders - The Top 10 Mistakes Men Make When Contacting Women Online

Online Dating Blunders - The Top 10 Mistakes Men Make When Contacting Women Online by Dan and Jennifer

Here are the top ten things that you should avoid when
contacting women online. This will be the most important online
dating and relationship advice that you read all year.

Mistake #1: Sending her 'just' a wink

Most internet dating sites let you send "winks" or
"show interest" for free. But what does this say to her about
you? When that really hot girl gets your wink, she sees a guy
that's not serious about wanting to contact her and too cheap to
fork over the $20 membership fee.

What a wonderful way to start off a relationship... Not!

She also knows that a wink is an easy "cop-out". Anyone can
scroll through hundreds of online profiles and wink at
everything that moves. So, from her perspective, why should she
spend time on you when there are dozens of guys taking the time
to send her real messages every day?

Mistake #2: Not having a recent QUALITY photo in your profile

This one should be easy, but the fact is, most men do not upload
their photo. The statistics on this one are very clear. Profiles
with photos get 10 times more looks than those without; and
profiles with QUALITY photos get 4 times more looks than
profileswith poor photos.

Let me ask you... When you log on to a dating site and search,
don't you search for women with photos in their profile first?
Why would she be any different? Many women will assume that you
have something to hide if you won't post your photo - like maybe
your wife...

If you don't like your photo, have a professional one made.
Thereare many professional photo services that do nothing but
create great photos for your online dating profile.

If you want to stand a chance against the other guys out there,
upload a good quality photo. Oh, one more extremely important
note - make sure that you upload a RECENT photo. Nothing is more
disappointing than to meet someone and realize that the picture
they sent you was 20 years and 40 pounds ago!

Mistake #3: Sending a message with a boring subject

Fact #1: Guys out number girls by at least two to one on most
online dating sites and that's a conservative number.

Fact #2: Good looking girls get dozens of winks and messages in
any given day

You can have the most awesome profile and you can send her the
most intriguing message, but she may never see it because you
failed to capture her interest with the subject of your email.

Give her a reason to open your message first! It has to stand
outamong all the others, or it has a high chance of getting
deleted and never read. Spend just as much time crafting an
intriguing subject line as you do in writing the rest of your

Ask her a question or specifically reference some
detail in her profile so that she will know you actually read it
and are truly interested in more than just her looks.

Mistake #4: Sending her a vague, generic or otherwise lame

So you took the effort to become a paying member of a dating
site, and want to make the most of your membership. But then
you came up with a standard boilerplate message, and you quickly
copied and pasted it to dozens of girls. Go you! At least that's
what you think...

Ok, reality check. Women like to feel special and important.
They can smell a lame form message a mile away, and the delete
button is always close at hand. So, why not take a different
approach? Actually read her entire profile (we know it's
painful, but do it anyway!), learn everything you can about her,
and then send her an insightful, personal message.

Remember, you're messaging her and she needs to feel that she is
the only girl in the entire world that you are interested in.
Keep your messages fairly short and concise. Compliment or make
reference to some thing or things you found interesting in her

Then, conclude each message with a "clear call to action".
Always be friendly and polite, but tell her what you would like
her to do next. Don't leave her wondering. An example is "talk
to you soon" or "drop me a line".

Mistake #5: Taking too long to respond to her message

With all the buzz around the seduction and "pick up artist"
community these days, many guys are afraid of scaring women
away by appearing too eager or desperate. So they get her
message and then wait... and wait... and wonder when it's "ok"
to answer her.

Let's clear this up. Responding promptly is not a bad thing.
It will likely help you stand out from the other dozen guys that
messaged her today. Like most opportunities in life, you're far
better off striking while the iron's hot. Get over it and
message her back. In fact, do it while she's still logged on.

Forget the "head games" and be yourself. Women are attracted to
confident men who are comfortable in their own skin. Be yourself
and you'll be fine!

Mistake #6: Asking for her personal information too soon

So you messaged this really great looking girl, and she
responded with a basic "Hi" message. Now what? You want her real
email address, her phone number, her work number, or better yet
her address so you can go there now, right?

Stop! Asking her for ANY personal information in your first
messages is a quick way to kill the relationship before it
starts. Think of two dogs approaching each other...
what do they do? They approach slowly and cautiously, and
proceed to sniff each other. Why do they do this? They're
getting to know each other. People are the same in many

Don't scare her off. Take it slow and let her get to know you
before requesting personal information.

Mistake #7: Making sexual innuendos in your first message

Yes, she's really hot and yes her profile seems flirty and
sexual... So you think it's OK to be overtly sexual when you try
to contact her, WRONG! Unless you're on or
other adult site, sexual innuendos are unlikely to help you.
They'll most likely torpedo any chances you might have had with
her. So don't do it.

Mistake #8: Sending her money or a credit card number

Yes, the ever popular Nigerian (or whatever country is in on it
this month) money scam. Social networking sites, including online
dating sites, are plagued by scammers. And guys you know are
falling for it every day...

Remember, the whole "if it sounds too good to be true" idea
stillstands! If your online profile is really bad, and all of a
sudden a girl strangely resembling a supermodel emails you and
promises to make all your dreams come true, take it slow. And DO
NOT send money or other financial information to make her come to

Mistake #9: Checking out her "really hot" nude photos on her
personal website

The ever popular "cam girl" phenomenon is surprising scores of
new men on a daily basis. So, what's a "cam girl?" Well, let's
say you're searching profiles on
and run across this great looking girl. She looks friendly,
approachable, and is wearing a highly suggestive outfit. To make
it better, her profile has a link to her "private website" where
you can "see more of her".

What luck! So you click on that link, and to your surprise, you
have to "verify your age by providing a credit card number".
Hmm. If you want to browse an adult site, then proceed and
enjoy.But recognize this for what it is - often a teenage high
school male pretending to be a really hot girl in order to make
money by sending happy surfers (read: you) to a pay-per-view
adult site.

Mistake #10: Not knowing what you really want

The last blunder is actually by far the most important one...

Put simply, most guys use the shotgun approach to dating and
hope to hit something, anything. Then they wonder why they're
not happy with the women they meet. Not exactly the best
approach for the most important aspect of your life, is it?

Before you join ANY online dating site, take a step back and
figure out exactly what you're looking for... What type of woman
do you really want to meet today? That way you don't waste your
time messaging a really great looking 'single mom' when you know
full well that you don't want children. If you are an
outdoorsman, you probably don't want to spend time messaging a
woman that tells you in her profile that she is allergic to the
sun. (Yet another reason to actually read her profile.)

It will be well worth your time to understand what you're really
looking for!

Copyright 2006, - All rights reserved
About the Author

Authors and Online Dating Insiders -- Dan and Jennifer -- reveal the secrets to finding love online at
This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. It's Easy When You Know How!

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

How To Flirt With Women - The Art Of Seduction

How To Flirt With Women - The Art Of Seduction by Peter Nagy

Have you ever wondered how some guys (even ugly ones) seduce beautiful women? Are you one of the millions who walks up to a woman of your desires with sweaty palms and a racing heart? Does your voice change and makes you sound squeaky or like a goat? After your initial approach, do you experience failure because you run out of words? Do you just stand there trying to look handsome while deep down you know that you already blew it? Do you often hear the following; "Well, it was nice to meet you but..." Isn't it such an embarrassing feeling?

Unfortunately, in the past I have experienced all of these myself and I knew that I wasn't alone. In fact, millions of good men are experiencing the same kinds of rejection. Don't despair because there is a secret flirting formula.

Let me share my short story with you.

I was married once for a good few years and thought that everything was going fine. Unfortunately, I ended up getting divorced just as it is happening more and more these days with others. It seems to me that divorce has become the new fashion. After having someone next to me in bed for so long, I felt very lonely and I desperately needed a woman back in my life.

I didn't want to marry again, but I needed companionship and pleasure in my life. To ease my loneliness, I went to bars, galleries, dating sites and you name it I've done it. I was never good with words and flirting with women so I was searching for a flirting formula. I did meet many women, but none of them wanted to have anything to do with me, at least not the ones that I liked.

Have you ever been slapped? I have been and I have yet to figure out why? Can you imagine having healthy sex every day? Well, that's what I had while I was married along with the headaches. A whole year went by after my divorce and I had absolutely no sex, so you can imagine how horny I was. I felt like a stallion bursting with energy.

One day I was sitting in a nice little restaurant having dinner all by myself, feeling down and lonely. Suddenly two men with a gorgeous woman sat down at the table next to me. One of the guys was handsome, but the other was quite ugly. To my surprise this gorgeous woman was with the ugly one. I was telling myself that this just can not be true and I thought; "Damn this guy is so lucky."

This son of a gun was totally charming her and making her laugh like crazy. She was all over him and I could see that she truly likes him. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears; it seemed like a dream. To me this guy was a master at flirting and he knew just how to treat and charm women.

The woman excused herself to go to the ladies room, and while she was gone I over heard the handsome guy talking with the ugly one. He said, "You're flirting so naturally like you were born with this knowledge". The ugly guy smiled with confidence and quietly said, "It wasn't always like this, but one day I discovered the secret flirting formula". Shame or not I was eavesdropping like crazy and I was able to learn where to find the secret.

Once the woman came back, she kissed the guy and asked him to come over to her apartment because she had something special to show him. I thought to myself, "Yeah ha ha ha...I wonder what?" I was so jealous; I had to have this knowledge as soon as possible.

I rushed home to look it up and ordered it right away. After studying it for some time I felt that my confidence and knowledge of flirting was strong enough to do a test. I admit that I was still very nervous. But, I went up to a woman whom I've been admiring only from a distance before. Once I started talking with her the whole conversation went so smooth and we were both laughing a lot. When it was time for me to leave she gave me a big hug and a kiss and to my shock she actually asked me out.

You wouldn't believe how different I feel now. I have a lot more confidence and I can easily strike up a conversation with beautiful women in any situation. As you can imagine, my sex life has improved dramatically. My life is beautiful and joyful now. I'm not a player...LOL but, I do have many girlfriends who adore me. I know that you need this formula just as much as I did. It would be a shame not to share it with everyone.

Here's what you get with the benefits of this formula.

You will learn step-by-step real life examples, proven tips and strategies on how to talk to women. Regardless of how you look and what's your financial situation, you will get the woman of your dreams. It teaches you how to approach women in any situation to start a conversation with ease. You'll learn what not to say or talk about and how to avoid awkward silences. Some of the things you must do before and on a date are:

1. Good hygiene: You must remember to take a shower and brush your teeth before you leave. It doesn't matter that you took a shower that morning take one again and brush your teeth again. 87% of women claim that the biggest turn off in a guy is bad breath followed by bad body odor. Remember. What smells normal to you may smell like "funk" to a woman.

2. Be presentable: If you have a jungle growing out of your nose (possibly your ears), than don't forget to trim them. Unless it's Halloween, no girl wants to see a crusty booger hanging from your jungle. If you think that your uni-brow makes you look manly, think again. Women are the ones who like to do the scratching, so clip your claws and keep them clean. No girl would want you to touch them if you've got dirt and oil under your nails.

3. Good Manners: No matter how much your testicles or your anus itches, DO Not under any circumstances scratch them in front of her. Especially if you sniff your fingers after scratching, you can consider the date over. Always be polite and courteous. Look in her eyes and don't stare at her breasts.

There is a whole lot more information, but it is way to long to list everything here. To sum it all up, you will learn simple strategies on how to make any woman laugh and how to have exciting conversations. Discover the secret of using words that make any woman feel aroused and attracted to you. Are you ready to change your life? Keep in mind that you do not need to be tall, handsome or rich to know the secrets to successful flirting.

I wish you all the best and success in dating.

About the Author
Peter Nagy is a full time internet marketer who has mastered the art of seduction.
This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. It's Easy When You Know How!

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

5 Signs She's Turning You Into A Man-Friend

5 Signs She's Turning You Into A Man-Friend

Women are known to be terrible, evil, creatures- and we are, although not completely intentionally. The intentionally evil women out there are known as bitches- fair enough. But the most evil thing we women do without meaning to, is to take a man who's falling for us and place him in that permanent "friend" category. Once you become a "friend" you stay a "friend", forever. Now there are a FEW exceptions out there, I'm sure, but for about 99% of the "man-friends" out there, don't get your hopes up. This being said- women LOVE man-friends. We adore them, we need them.

A man-friend is almost better than any lady friend and will be used a whole lot more in the advice and venting department. A man-friend is someone we complain to about the jerks in the world, who we expect to be honest and to flatter us unconditionally, to give us advice whenever we call (we call them often) and to never try to woo us because they are our man-friend and must stay that way.

Right from the moment you meet a woman, she will have classified you in her mind as "date" or "future man-friend". If she is interested in you from the start and something goes awry in the process, you can become a man-friend. The tricky thing about man-friends and dates is that a woman will string a guy along just enough to make him a man-friend while it appears she is actually interested in him. All women will deny this "I'm just being nice!He knows we're just friends" but the truth is, the only real difference in her actions most of the time is in her mind. And since you're not her man-friend yet, you have no idea what she's thinking.

This is what makes man-friends like gold to us, they understand us, and since we don't want to lose someone who understands us so well, we really make sure not to get involved romantically with them.

Allright, here are some signs that will tell you if she's just itching to make you her man-friend.

5. She Insists On Paying Her Half

She won't pay for the entire bill, but she'll always pay her half. She doesn't want to owe you anything, and friends don't pay each other's parts of the bill unless it's a special occasion. So if right for the get-go she makes sure she covers herself financially then she probably is telling you she wants you to be her friend.

4. She Doesn't Flinch if You Check Out Another Girl

In fact, she might even compliment your eye-catching female. Compliment you in the way your mom might "Oh, she looks nice" or "she seems like your type". If your woman doesn't care about you checking other girls out, or is very comfortable with her female friends flirting with you, chances are she's just not interested. It's important to note that she might not be interested in you, but it will seem like it. She'll be smiling and laughing and *totally* into you, but if you return any of the same signs of affection she'll back off leading us to. . .

3. She Has Mini-Freak Outs When You Get Too Close

Sure, she might hug you or touch your hands and arms when you're talking and together, but try anything like that with her and she gets cold. See a man-friend is someone we can flirt shamelessly with without having to worry if he likes us or not- he's not supposed to. The man-friend is supposed to be a good sport and just take the flirting and know that it won't lead anywhere. When women flirt and get cold they are trying to train their new acquaintance to be a man-friend "take all the flirting I do with a grain of salt- if you react I will stop, if you don't I can continue". She will also have big freak-out sessions if you declare any sort of romantic interest in her. First she might just give you the "I like you. . . as a friend" speech.

2. She Tell You How Much She Appreciates You

Now when on earth has a woman said that you are very important to her in the beginning dates or stages of a relationship?If she's head over heels for you, she WILL NOT allude to any sort of future or dependence on you. She knows guys tend to get wierded out by immediate displays of attachment, and she wouldn't risk chasing you away by admitting to something like that if she liked you. The Man-Friender, however will tell you many things like that. If you've heard one of these statements before, chances are, you're becoming a man-friend.

* "I feel so comfortable around you. You're like a brother"
* "Before you, I didn't have anyone to confide in"
* "I'm so glad we're friends" (BIGGEST SIGNAL OF ALL)
* "You remind me of my old friend, Kevin; we used to get along so well"
* "You're such a good friend to me, what would I do without you?"

Obviously anything that emphasises FRIEND or BROTHER indicates MAN-FRIEND.

1. She Calls You

If she is interested in you, she's inevitably going to be playing all sorts mind games and other silly dating games (letting the phone ring twice before she picks up, letting it go to voice mail, not accepting dates unless they're planned for three days in advance- article on her games later). One clear sign that you're becoming a man-friend is that she starts to call you early in the dating game. Be EXTRA weary if she starts calling you just to chat, and not to set up any sort of date. If she sets up a night date then maybe you just have a very forward girl. Lunch dates are not "I want you, you sexalicious man". Lunch dates are "I want to complain and have some company", be weary of lunch dates.

So those are some of the easy signs, my male readers. Also be aware that some of the more evil women out there will seduce men in order to build herself an army of man-friends. My suggestion for you men who are becoming man-friends and don't want that is to stop letting her. If she flirts, you should turn cold and have her then start to want you. If she calls, tell her you'll call her back. Try to regain the date position in the relationship, other than that, you might as well move on to another girl who won't take up your time and toy with your emotions for nothing.
This Amazing Step-by-Step Guide Exposes the Secrets to Attract and Seduce Any Woman. It's Easy When You Know How!

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